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Keith is cold, tired and he could most likely kill someone until he gets his coffee.

That's why Keith and his alpha brother is at starbucks right now at two fucking am.

The omega sat down and rested his arms on his knees as he waited for his older brother, Shiro, who's ordering coffee, clearly pissed and glancing at Keith's direction every five seconds, checking if his brother isn't abducted by aliens in a fucking coffee shop!

As if something like that could happen. Impossible.

Keith loves his brother and it makes him feel happy to know that he cares but he's just... being too much ever since his first heat. Keith can take care of himself. He can hundred percent peel a potato without slicing his finger. He's obviously mature enough to go out of the house without supervision at two am.

Just to order coffee.

"Here's your coffee." Shiro mumbled as he hand the coffee to Keith. He didn't bother to look at Shiro as he took it with his hands, muttering something under his breath. It was an insult and Shiro heard it.

Here we go. Again.

"I'm just looking out for you, Keith. You should be thankful instead of being so difficult..."

Keith inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of how his coffee smelled, bitter. It reminded him of himself.

"I can handle myself."

"You're an omega—"

"That doesn't make me incapable of taking care of myself." Keith rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his coffee, accidentally burning the tip of his tongue and hissing.

Shiro opened his mouth to comment on it but Keith stopped him. "Don't."

The alpha sighed. "Keith..."

"What?" Keith finally looked up, meeting his brother's concerned face. Damn it. Don't give me THAT face.

"I've been meaning to ask you. Who were you with when you did your thesis defense PowerPoint?" Shiro asked, questionably and curious of what's happening with Keith lately.

Keith thought for a bit before responding. "Matt's sister and her friends."


"Hunk, Pidge, and Lance." Keith answered. He couldn't avoid it. Shiro will annoy him and maybe even talk to his new group of friends just to know what's going on with his life because (Shiro's reason) he has to protect Keith. It's better than Shiro tailing behind his group of friends in hangouts and not having privacy with his squad at all. He didn't like it. He didn't want that to happen again. He's not a kid. Can you imagine Shiro telling his friends to stay three feet away from him? That's... that's what happened last time.

"Isn't Lance an alpha? The one you like? Did he touch you? Does he know that you're an omega?"

Keith's heart jump hearing the alpha's name. "He doesn't know. I take the pills to get rid off omega tendencies, remember? I'm safe, Shiro. Promise."

"But did he touch you?"

"We were doing a thesis defense powerpoint and Lance isn't like that."

"How are you sure? You two barely hangout. It doesn't mean that he didn't touch you before means he won't."

"Shiro, not in front of my goddamn coffee. Do I have to remind you? I take pills. They don't know. He doesn't know." Keith glared at him.

"And what if he knows that you're an omega huh? He could take advantage of you. He could probably make you believe that he actually likes you but he'll use you."

"Shiro, you haven't even met Lance. He's—"

"Different? Keith, are you hearing yourself? Oh god, he's got you wrapped around his finger. Are you dumb enough to think he actually likes you?! Stop being so naive. I'm just trying to protect you."

"Sorry for being a dumb omega then, Shiro. I must be making your life really really hard by worrying about me too much." Keith's voice laced with sarcasm as he stood up, taking his leave. Shiro followed, frowing.

"Keith, where are you going?"

"Home. I'm walking home."

"Are you nuts? Keith, come back to the car right now. We're not done talking."

"I'd rather get kidnap than listen to your lecture about me being a fucking dumb helpless omega." Keith spat walking faster.

He ended up running away, tossing and spilling the cup of coffee in frustration on the sidewalk. He ran away from the parking, leaving a baffled Shiro out there shouting for him to come back.

Keith brought out his phone and did the most smartest thing that came to his mind: dial the number of the alpha he has a crush on.

Lance McClain.

And on the second ring, Lance answered.


Keith told Lance to meet up at a children's park. Shiro wouldn't look for him there and he was glad that Lance didn't question why was he calling at two am in the morning to meet up at a park.

There's seesaws, a spider crawling on the monkey bars. A red slide that smelled like feet. Keith immediately avoided those and sat on a swing, furrowing his brows and frowning seeing he missed fifteen phone calls from Shiro.

His phone started to ring once more on his hand. Shiro's number and caller ID appeared on his phone. He bit his lip, feeling guilt rise from stomach before deciding to put it on silent.

The coldness of the swing's seat under the moonlight feels right beneath worn denim, the remnants of a rain shower soaking in and beading the fading green paint to either side. Keith liked it. The world pausing for a while at night.

The cold air around him made him at ease as he waited for Lance. The dark, the park, and the trees which he found to be exquisitely different than walking through the park. And in sitting, it seemed everything around him jumped to life with a spirited activity he hardly could comprehend and explain in words.

His thoughts came to a halt when two hands covered the omega's eyes, making him shrill in surprise and grabbing the person's arms behind him and twisting it. Now, Keith's body was straddling the person down on the dirt, eyes widening in surprise as he let go of the grip on his arm.


"That was... an omega shrill." Said the alpha beneath him in a hush voice, rubbing his arm in pain, still staring up at Keith.

Oh fuck.

"You're an... omega?" Lance breathed out, meeting Keith's eyes. Disbelief and confusion written all over the alpha's face.

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