The Graves And Nelson's Trap

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29th April, 2019 


Madison let out a depressed sigh as she looked at the graves in front of her. The graves that read 'John Kramer', 'Jill Tuck', 'Amanda Young' and 'Mark Hoffman'. 

The Jigsaw family. 

The only people Madison could fit in around, her psychotic mind was praised and respected with her Jigsaw family, and they also helped to breed her psychotic mind, after all, she is a Jigsaw, and she's not about to let their legacy fade away. 

Madison smiled when she looked at a fifth grave, the letters read 'Logan Nelson'. Her smile became an evil smirk upon remembering how he ended up dead.

3 months ago...

Nelson woke up with a startle, he was in a chair, the room around him was quite dark and depressing, he looked to his left and saw some work tables with a variety of work tools and monitors on them. 

"Hello Logan."

Nelson jumped hearing the voice, and looked to find Madison standing in front of him a few feet away, "Madison?" Nelson realised, completely oblivious to what was about to happen. 

"I wanna play a game." Madison began, Nelson's eyes widened when he realised his situation. He was now a trap victim. "Let's be straightforward here, you don't belong in the Saw family." Madison then walked over to a desk and leaned against it, folding her arms, "I mean, come on, you can't even say the family end-of-game catchphrase. 'I speak for the dead.' Come on, not even mom would say that, and she didn't even like being a Jigsaw."  Madison chuckled darkly, causing Nelson to shiver slightly. 

"What do you want from me Madison, I'm the last Jigsaw alive, you can't kill me, you'd have no one." Nelson tried to persuade her, which only drew a dark, evil laugh from her, "I don't need you, I hate you and so you're gonna have to pass this test, if you live and walk away, you pass, if you die, you fail." Madison told him, giving him vague instructions so he didn't know what kind of trap he was in. 

He observed his surroundings, he was restrained to a chair by metal bars, he squirmed in his restraints, but razors under the restraints caused him to start bleeding, "The more you squirm, the more blood you lose." Madison sang to him, giving him a creepy smile. 

Nelson gave up and looked at her, "Alright, what is the trap?" he asked her, prompting Madison to walk over to a desk and pick up something. 

As she held the thing in her hands, she explained, "See that pad in front of you?" Nelson nodded, "Well, all you have to do is push your head forward onto that pad and press on it which will release your restraints.", Nelson smirked thinking this was gonna be easy, until Madison brought up the thing in her hands and put it right in the way of Nelson's face. A mask of knives, the blades towards his face. "Either push forward onto the knives to push the release pad or bleed to death from your restraints." Madison explained, her tone turning dark and serious, like that of a Jigsaw. 

Nelson scowled at Madison, spitting "Fuck you." at her before hesitantly pushing his head towards the knives, at first pulling away to wince, but he then grit his teeth and went in again, slowly but steadily pushing the knives towards the pad. Deep cuts and gashes decorated his face and wrists as he writhed and pushed against the knives, whilst Madison watched from the side. Eventually Nelson managed to push the pad, releasing his restraints, he slipped out of the chair and looked at Madison, but instead of a 'congratulations', he got a cocky smirk from her, pissing him off enough to charge at her, but she simply stepped aside, allowing him to fall into a baby crib full of razor wire. 

In his last moments, Nelson looked at Madison one final time, and heard the words "Game over." before then succumbing to his wounds, dead. 

Madison made her leave after muttering a final "Goodbye." to her deceased Jigsaw family. Once at home she immediately sat down and turned on the TV, watching the news on how the police are still frantically searching for the Jigsaw killer on Nelson's case, which made her laugh as she remembered cutting the jigsaw piece out of his neck flesh. 

The doorbell rang, and she opened the door to find the postman, "Package for Madison Kramer." he announced, so Madison signed it and took it inside, shutting the door behind her, it was a big, browny-orange envelope, she tore open the packaging to find a DVD. She put it in her disc player and was greeted by the words of a familiar voice. 

"Hello Madison." 

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