The Victims

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"Motherfucker just die!"

Madison slammed her pen down on the desk upon hearing that sudden outburst, and she stormed outside the building to find four adults in their early thirties circling and yelling at a guy with a black bandana over his mouth and nose, one of them even brandishing a knife. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Madison asked the noisy adults in an angry manner, her question was answered when the knife-guy pointed his knife at the bandana man, "This jackass promised us fresh cocaine, and instead we got this dried up white dust shit. Look." the guy then waved some white powder at her. 

"Don't wave that crap in my face." Madison swatted away the guy's hand, knocking the powder onto the floor. "You do realise that drugs are a waste of perfectly good human life?" she then asked them in Jigsaw fashion.

"Whatever bitch, living is so overrated." knife-guy then waved his hands lazily as he said that, instinct kicked in and Madison knew what she had to do with him. With all of those four people so obsessed with their drugs. 

"Come on Tom, this guy clearly ain't giving us what we want, so we're not giving him what he wants." another guy pointed out, 'Tom', the other guy and the two girls they were with then left the guy they were harassing, but the other guy then slowly came back and got up to Madison. "Say, how about you and I head on over to my place? I got a new bed, and I'd like someone to try it out for me." he then invited her, and what was his answer? 

"Fuck off." Madison spat in his face. Seriously, she got a bit of spit in his eye which prompted him to leave in disgust. Madison then turned her attention to the bandana guy, "You okay?" she asked him as he dusted himself off, "Yeah, dealt with worse, name's Shady Jeff, I've had to deal with a son of a bitch of a band mate at one point." 'Shady Jeff' answered. 

"Sounds like you've been through a lot of shit in your life." Madison then urged him on. 

"My life has been fucking bullshit."

A smirk began to form on Madison's face, "Do you appreciate your life despite all this?" she then asked him. 

"What? Bitch, how can I appreciate my life when I've been through so much bullshit? You don't know what it's like to live a crappy life." Shady Jeff then turned to leave, but before he started walking, he screamed at the sky "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL MYSELF!" and left. 

That left Madison pissed, he's a goddamn celebrity and he's gonna kill himself? Not on Madison's watch. "You just booked yourself a one-way trap to Jigsaw Town." she muttered, then went back into the workshop, and on another page in her sketchbook starting drawing a separate trap. For Shady Jeff and those druggies.

A few minutes later, their trap was completely drawn. She then turned her attention back to Gordon's trap, and once again became stuck on who else to put in it. 

She then looked at a Jigsaw family photo, frames on the table, John Kramer, Amanda, Hoffman, Nelson and Gordon were all there with her in the photo, as well as Billy the Puppet, (of course), she smirked seeing Nelson, snarled at Gordon, and smiled at Billy who was in her arms laughing. But then something in the photo caught her attention. 

A jigsaw piece necklace that she was wearing. 

That brought back a memory. Madison and John Kramer were out grocery shopping when a dude managed to slip her necklace right off her neck, she managed to take a picture of him just in the nick of time, and when she showed her Jigsaws later that day, Gordon recognised him to be his goddamn nephew Adam Gordon. 

Adam Gordon?!

A lightbulb lit up. "That's it. I'll put him in the trap." Madison muttered to herself, before pulling out her phone and went on Google Search. 

To be continued...

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