The Disc

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"Hello Madison."

Madison immediately became happy hearing her father's voice after so long. "Hi dad." she whispered in return, half hoping she could talk to him. 

"If you're watching this, that means I'm dead. A lot has happened since my death, so pay attention and listen carefully." Madison obeyed, she knew it was important as he told her to listen carefully, which wasn't very often. 

"You've watched in horror as your Jigsaw family have all slowly died around you. When I was ill, you clung to Amanda, and when she and I died, you cling to Hoffman, but then he died, and you had no one, and now, you are determined to avenge him, well, here's a little backstory. I told your mother to test Hoffman, not knowing it would enrage him, and so he killed her." 

"Damn right." Madison muttered to herself, she'd take Hoffman over her mother any day, and wasn't sad to hear she was dead. 

John continued almost on cue, "But then I told Gordon to watch over her, which he interpreted as killing Hoffman." 

"WHAT?!" Madison yelled in anger, she knew Gordon was loyal, but not so loyal that he'd kill Hoffman. 

"So now I trust you, my beloved daughter, to continue on our legacy, show the world it is possible to breed a Jigsaw. Gordon has already been tested with someone he hardly knows, now he needs to be tested with someone he cares about, and now I put that test in your hands, Madi, you've helped me with my work since the very beginning, and have played the games my way, this game is your's for the taking, play it how you want. Remember, if Gordon dies, don't feel bad, after all, he was perfectly happy to kill a Jigsaw, and I know you aren't. I love you Madison, and I trust you to play the game your way." 

And with that, the disc finished playing. 

Madison didn't stick around for a second, she knew what she had to do. Grabbing a massive sketchbook, some pencils, a notepad, a few pens and her car keys before getting into her car and heading off to the Jigsaw workshop where she killed Nelson. 

As soon as she arrived there, she immediately sat down, opened up her sketchbook and started drawing something, it was the bathroom where Gordon was tested prior to becoming a Jigsaw, she then drew a scalpel in the bathtub, with Gordon trapped in a chain from the wall, another chain, this time empty, also coming from the wall. Then she went to the notepad and started scribbling things in it, who could she put in the trap that Gordon cares about? 

As soon as she wrote 'wife and daughter' she immediately crossed it out, those two have been through enough during Gordon's bathroom trap, and now they're probably extremely paranoid and vigilant to avoid getting into another trap so it'll be hard to surprise pig-head them. 

Maybe his parents? Hell no, the elderly always appreciate their previous lives, they always tell their grandchildren about what great lives they've had and what they've done. 

Then a lightbulb lit up. Who does Gordon know that doesn't appreciate life? 

She wrote that question in big on the page and circled it, the other victim needed to be someone who was close to Gordon and didn't appreciate their life, but she didn't know Gordon that well, so she was a little stuck for now. 

"Motherfucker just die!"

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