Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Pulling up at the clubhouse, we get off the bike and head inside, hand in hand. When we walk in, Tig and Quinn come up and hug me. "You okay doll?" Tig asks and I shake my head no. A man with scars on his face walks up and introduces himself. "Hey Lass. I'm Chibs." he says. "Raven Lowman." I say and you see Happy smile slightly as he looks down at me. "You okay?" Chibs asks and just like with Tig I just shake my head no. "I need everyone in church. Her too." Happy says and Chibs turns and calls "Church!"

Once everyone is inside, Happy pulled a chair over beside him for me to sit in. Once we are all seated, Happy laces his fingers with mine and pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles like he used to when I was stressed out. "What's going on brother?" Chibs says. "Guys, this is Raven, my Old Lady. My wife." he says and looks at me. "Welcome Lass." Chibs says and everyone introduces themselves. "Now, what can we help with?" Chibs asks. "When the three of us were staying with Raven, she came home from work with bruises on her wrist and one on her face from where a fucker she worked with hit her. After we got the clear to come back, she got a call from him telling her that he knew where she lived and that she was going to let him take her out and shit. Showed up at her house after I got there. Well, today, she goes to work and some other shit happened." Happy says and looks at me. I look up at him and he nods. "When I got to work this morning, my boss called me to her office. They were putting me on unpaid leave while they investigated a bull shit complaint of sexual harassment. The guy told them that I was asking him out and wouldn't leave him alone when he said no. I told them I quit because Happy told me to think about quitting." I say and look up at him. He kisses my knuckles again and I take a deep breath. "While I was waiting on Happy to pick me up, the guy came out and when I tried to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him telling me I am his and that he will be back for me. When Happy got there, he took off and I was having a panic attack." I tell them and look down at my hand in Happy's. "Well, Lass, can you draw him out for us? I'm sure your Old Man has told you over the years how we do things. He won't hurt you again." he tells me. "I can call him and get him to the house." I say and see Happy glare at the table. I look at Chibs and ask "Can I get a minute with my husband please?" They nod and step outside. I stand up and turn his chair to face me. Sitting in his lap, he instinctively pulls me closer and nuzzles is nose against my neck. I missed that. I tilt his chin up to look at me. "Hap, I can get him to the house. I need to be there when you do this. Please. I'll do whatever you tell me to do and I promise I'll be okay. I need to be there." I say. He kisses me softly and says "Okay but you do exactly what I tell you to do." he tells me. "I will baby." I say. He looks at me for a second and asks "Are we okay?" Kissing him one more time, I say "We're working on it. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt Happy but please..." I start. "I won't fuck up again." he tells me. "Okay...and you can move back into the house." I tell him. Smiling softly, he says "Okay."

The guys come back in and we start getting a game plan together. I use my phone to call Jacob and get him to the house. "Hello Raven." he says and this time, instead of scaring me, it pisses me off. "Jacob." I say. "You finally decide to give me a chance?" he asks. "Actually I thought maybe you could come over and we could talk about that." I tell him. "What about your husband?" he asks. "Like you said. We're separated. You don't have to worry about him." I tell him. "Okay. So when are you free?" he asks. "You can come over now if you want. We can talk and spend a little time together." I tell him. "Be there in thirty." he says. "See you then." I say and hang up the phone. "You did good little girl." Happy says. I look at Happy and say "Let's get this fucker."

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