Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

It's been a month since Charlie came to live with us and I've been concentrating on him. I'm depressed. I'm barely speaking to Happy and I'm still having sex with him but just go through the motions. I am at the clubhouse with Charlie and Happy is working in the garage. I walk to the dorm to change Charlie's diaper and when I come out, one of the croweaters is standing there waiting on me. "Told you it wouldn't be long before he came back to us." she tells me. "Whatever." I say before trying to walk away. "Where do you think he was last night? He's got you taking care of his kid while he's here fucking me." she tells me. I shake my head and walk into the main room. I put Charlie in his carrier and head out to the car, not speaking to anyone. Happy sees me leaving and runs up to me. "Where are you going?" he asks. "Home." I say before closing the car door after putting Charlie in. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Nothing. You should stay here for a while." I tell him and go to open my driver door. "What? Why?" he asks. "I don't want you there right now." I tell him. Pinning me to the door, he cups my face and I whisper "Please don't." He still holds my face and asks "What's wrong?" I don't look at him but say "Where were you last night?" I ask. "I told you. We were meeting with the Mayans." he tells me. "You weren't here fucking one of the whores?" I ask. "What? Hell no." he tells me. "Please don't lie to me." I tell him. "I'm not fucking lying to you. Who told you I was here?" he asks. "Doesn't matter. It's okay." I tell him before trying to pull away. "Who said it?" he asks again. "Lori." I say. He looks at Lyla and says "Stay with Charlie." She nods and he takes my hand and pulls me to the clubhouse. Walking up to Lori he says "You telling my Old Lady I'm cheating on her?" he asks. "Not like you haven't before." she says. "Are you telling my Old Lady I'm cheating on her?" he asks again. "Yes. She doesn't even belong here. You haven't touched us since you got back with her." she says. "Get your shit and get out of here. You show your face here again and I'll cut it the fuck off." he tells her and she runs out of the clubhouse. He turns to me and cups my face and says "Baby, I wouldn't do that to you again. I promise." he says. "It's okay. You should." I tell him and walk away from him.

I walk out to the car and leave. Pulling into the driveway at home, I get Charlie out and take him inside to rock him to sleep. I'm still sitting in the nursery, Charlie sleeping in my arms and tears falling from my eyes when Happy walks up to the door. "Hey." he says softly so not to wake Charlie. "Hey." I say as I wipe my eyes. He walks over and takes Charlie from me and lays him in his crib before taking my hand and leading me out to our bedroom. Sitting on the bed against the headboard like we used to, he pulls me between his legs and just holds me. I snuggle back into him and sob. "I'm here baby. I told you I wouldn't fuck up again and I won't. I promise you." he tells me. I get myself together a little and pull away from him. "Happy..." I start and he stops me. "Don't do that." he says. "Happy..." I start again and he stops me again. He pulls me to straddle him and cups my face and says "Get that shit out of your head. I know you've been depressed. I know you got that shit in your head that I want to go back to that but I don't." he says. "Happy..." I start one more time and when he goes to speak I say "I'm pregnant." He cups my face and says "You're pregnant?" he asks. I nod my head yes and he crashes his lips with mine and we don't separate until we're both gasping for air. "How far along are you?" he asks. "Six weeks." I tell him. He kisses me deeply again and puts his forehead to mine. "I love you so fucking much little girl." he tells me. "I love you more Giant. God I love you so much." I say before he kisses me again and puts his hand to my stomach and putting his forehead back against mine. Now all I have to do is keep from losing this one.

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