February 12, 2006

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Cat was sitting in Janet's bathroom having her hair curled for the Daddy-Daughter dance tonight. "Cat, sit still. If you don't, I won't be able to finish your hair. I'm almost done anyway." Janet told her.

They had been doing this for 15 minutes already. She already had her pink dress on. It was poofy and had fake rose appliques. She had flats on that fit her leg braces. She had pink glittery braces that almost matched her dress. Janet finished up her curls then placed a tiara on her head.

"You look like a princess," Janet said to Cat. She was in a really good mood for whatever reason.

"When is Daddy going to get here?"

"In about 20 minutes, so go grab your purse and your sweater."

"Okay, mom." Cat tried to skip to her room and almost fell over.

"Don't mess up your hair please." Janet called out.

Cat grabbed her purse and sweater and went downstairs to sit on the couch to wait for her dad.

Finally, she heard the doorbell ring, she got up to answer it.

"Catherine" William said leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Hi, Daddy." She said excitedly.

"You ready princess?" He asked extending his arm for her. She took it before saying.

"You bet."

"I have something for you." He pulled out the corsage.

"Do you know what this is?"

Cat nodded excitedly "It's a corage."

William chuckled, "It's actually a corsage, but you were close."

 He squatted down to Cat's height, putting the corsage on to her small wrist. He stood up, "Bye, dear," he called out to Janet.

William held Cat's hand as she skipped from their front door to the driveway, where his car was waiting.

"Your carriage awaits," William said, opening the car door for her. Cat strapped herself into her booster seat and gave him a nod.

William got in the driver seat and turned on her Disney princess CD. She sang along until William pulled into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant.

William got out of the car and walked over to her side and opened the door for her. He repeated the same motion at the door to the restaurant.

"Princess, let me tell you a little advice." William said to Cat as they were sitting at the table in the restaurant. Cat was putting butter on her bread. "Never have spaghetti on a first date."

"Why not?"

"It's too messy and you don't want to walk around with a stain on your shirt the entire date. Believe me, I did and it was so embarrassing."

"No spaghetti, got it."

"What was your first date, Daddy?"

"I went horseback riding with your mom when we were 18."

"What was she like? You don't talk about her much."

"She was beautiful. She had long blonde curly hair like you and blue eyes. She was smart, the smartest girl in our class. She had the prettiest laugh that made you want to laugh with her. You remind me of her everyday."

"Why did she leave us?"

"Honey, she got really sick after you were born, the doctors did everything they could, but they couldn't save her. She didn't want to leave, she loved you so much."

"I miss her."

"I know, princess, but she would be so proud of you and she would be happy that you have Janet to love you."

The conversation shifted to what they were going to do at the dance.

They finally left the restaurant and headed to the school. They followed the path of fathers and daughters into the auditorium. There was a giant archway of pink, red, and white balloons. There was a table filled with desserts from cupcakes to cookies. There were 50 girls and their dads at the dance, so it wasn't too crowded, it was only for the elementary school.

William picked Cat up and took her onto the dance floor. He held her in his arms and swayed with her for the slower songs.

When a faster song came on, Cat wiggled until he put her down. She started dancing the way most five year olds dance and basically just danced around him.

The dance lasted for 2 hours and the final song of the night was Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. Cat had her head laying on her Daddy's shoulder as he swayed back and forth.

"I love you, Daddy," she said sleepily.

Cat fell asleep on the drive home and William carried her up to bed and tucked her in.

"I love you, princess."

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