June 21, 2021

44 1 0

Cat was sitting at a table with Katie and Emma. They were trying to figure out which movie to go see, they had always been so indecisive, Cat was slightly better, but not by much. If you put the three of them together, it took at least 10 minutes to decide what they were going to do.

 " I honestly don't care what we see, while you guys decide, I have presents."

" Cat, it's no one's birthday." Emma pointed out. 

" I know, they're in my car, I'll be right back." 

It took Cat a minute to grab her boxes. It had taken her a week to assemble them. She had only been engaged for a couple weeks, but the next step was important.

She then walked back to their table and handed the boxes to the girls.

The boxes were wooden with hinges and a latch to close them. Katie's had a blue K and Emma's had a red E on the top. 

There was writing on the inside lid which said I can't say I Do without You. Will you be my Maid of Honor? on Emma's. 

On Katie's it said the same, except instead of maid of honor it said Bridesmaid.

" Of freaking course." They both said in unison. Inside the box there was a baby blue t-shirt that said bride tribe, a tumbler with their name on it, leggings that said Maid of Honor and bridesmaid, and flip flops that said #bridalsquad.

" So I decided that Emma was going to be my Maid of Honor just because you are going to be chasing the twins all day."

" Hun, it's fine. I'm not mad."

" Good."

" So anyways, movie time?"

" I'm not feeling any new movies, let's go back to Katie's house to watch something."

" So we came all the way to the mall for nothing?"

" Yeah, it happens."

" Mamma Mia?" Cat asked as they were getting out of their cars to go into Katie's house. That was Cat's go to choice, Dirty Dancing was Katie's, and Pitch Perfect was Emma's.

They went back to Katie's house, because she was the only one with a house, the other two still had apartments. They used her air popcorn maker and watched the first Mamma Mia movie.

" Where are your spawn?" Cat asked. 

" I'm hoping they're at the park with their father, otherwise he has some explaining to do."

" Could you bring them hither."

" Give me a sec."

Katie texted Damon to bring the twins home, so Cat could ask them to be her flower girl and ring bearer. They were at the park so it would be a minute before they got home.

When Katie's front door opened, Luna and Dominic ran in and ran into Katie's arms.

Luna's red hair was up in two space buns. She had on a shirt that said feed me and tell me I'm pretty. Dominic's hair was messed up from wrestling with his sister, his shirt said I'm just here for the snacks. 

Katie had mastered picking them up at the same time pretty much since day one. They were only in her arms for a couple minutes before they started to squirm, so she put them down, they ran into the kitchen to get oranges and brought them to Cat and said "open" in their way which was oten. Cat peeled the rind off the oranges and peeled them into slices.

" Auntie Cat has presents for you both, please go sit on the couch."

Cat grabbed the tote bags from out from behind the chair and handed the purple one to Luna and the green one to Dominic.

Luna's bag had a bear wearing a pretty dress, a kid-size water bottle with her name on it, a mini version of the blue shirt her mom got that said petal princess, a pair of pink sunglasses that said flower girl, and a ring pop.

Dominic's bag was almost identical to Luna's. He had a bear wearing a tuxedo, a water bottle with his name on it, a black shirt that said ring security, a pair of blue sunglasses that said ring bearer and a ring pop.

" Dom, Lulu do you want to be in Auntie Cat's wedding?"

They nodded while hugging their bears, they didn't really understand the question, but they were excited that they got presents. 

Cat hugged everyone goodbye and drove to go pick up Sammi and Teagen. They got to the point where if Janet was home, they would sneak out of their rooms and wait on the curb for Cat to come pick them up.

Cat told them they were going to go get gelato, which the girls had never had before. They drove to the food area in their city. They ordered a vanilla and split it between the three of them.

She got out their boxes and laid them on the table they were both pink with their first initials painted with white glitter. Theirs said I can't say I Do without you, Will you be my bridesmaid? Their boxes had the exact same items as Katie and Emma's, except that their leggings said bridesmaid instead of maid of honor.

" Don't look so surprised, you knew you would be bridesmaids. You are my sisters. I love you. Now eat your gelato before it melts."

" Yes, mom"

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