Chapter 2- Introductions and an idea

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LYLLI'S POINT OF VIEW~~~~~~~~~

I had called my mom and then fell asleep again. Wow. I guess that the three hours of sleep I got last night was coming to bite me in the butt. I felt someone poke my ribs. I screamed, me being extremly ticklish, I jusmped up. Harry was sitting there, smirking. 

"Guess I found your weakness." He said, chuckling.

"Shush! Ya'll shouldn't tickle me. I get spastic and I might cause some injuries." I said laughing.

"Woah. Well I guess that I shouldn't tickle you anymore!?"

"NOPE!" I said popping the "P"

He chucked and the his eyes darted behind me. I turned and then I felt hands around my waist. Before I knew what was happening, I was being tickled again, HARD. 

"Ha-H-Har-HARRY!" I yelled between laughs.

"Li-Lil-LILY!" He replied, mocking my tone. He stopped tickling me and pointed to a house, a flat, i guess that what they call it. I stared wide eyed, at the building. Harry chuckled behind me. I slapped him playfuly and giggled too. Harry got out when the limo parked, and ran to my door. He opened it beofre I could do so myself. He smirked as I blushed and I looked away. He grabbed my suitcases and led me to the door. He punched in the code and the door opened. We stepped through. We walked the empty hallway to another door. With a man at it. Another bodyguard. WHat was with all these body guards????  The big man whose name, on his nametag, was Rick. Rick nodded at Harry and put a hand to me. 

"Don't worry Rick, shes with me. Shes the one my mom is having stay with me while shes here." Harry said nodding at me. 

"Oh, alright. Sorry miss." He said part to Harry part to Me, his voice deep. 

"It's okay. Thanks." I said smiling. 

He nodded once more and opened the door. I followed Harry into the BIGGEST FLAT EVER! It was decked out with; a 280 inch flatscreen, white couches, white carpet, plants, an ENORMOUS KITCHEN (My favorite) , and so much more. I gaped at the scene. 

"H-aa-rrrr-ary" I stuttered. 

"Yes Love? Is there something wrong?" He said smirking. 

"N-oo! Is this all yours!?" 

"Well, me and Louis'."

"Louis? Who's that?" 

"He's my roomate. He's in One Direction with me."

"One DIrection? Is that a band or something?"

Now it was his turn to gape at my response. 

"What? I have never heard of this 'One Direction'..... Help me out here...." 

"Well," He started. "We were all contestants on the 'X Factor' and we made it through the first auditions. W e weren't together at the time, didn't even know eachother. Anyway, when there was justa few of us contestants left, after they elimated a few, Simon Cowell, said he didn't want to see any of us go. So he put us together in a band. We got familiar with one another, and I came up with the name, 'One Direction'. THe Irish one, Niall Horan, wanted to name us, 'Niall and the Potatoes'... That boy eats like there's no tomorrow. Like 24/7., Louis, the oldest, but not the most muture, actually the most IMMUTURE, lives with me. We get along with eachother so well that the public called it a 'bromance'.... its quite odd. 

"Oh thats cool, I've never heard of the X Factor. And Niall likes food, so do I. I LOVE food! Haha!"

" Haha! I bet you do! But you don't look like you eat 24/7.. You look like a toothpick! OH! I forgot to tell you! Him and the other guys are going to be here in a few minutes!"

"THERE ARE MORE!?!?!?!" 

"Yeah. 5 of us; Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, and Me."

"Woah..... OMG!"


"I need to get changed!"

"Noooo you dont." 

"Yeahhh I do!"  

"Too bad! They're here now! I just heard Rick let 'em in! Haha!"


"HARRY! IS THAT PRETTY GIRL HERE YET?!?!?!" I heard a voice screetch from the front hall. 



'GUYS SHUT UP! Harry has a guest and you are all being so loud!" 

Well I guess that that must be them? 

Just then, four boys walked in the room. They all looked familiar, harry's phone case. The blonde one was even hotter in person. His hair messy, and with an accent as he talked.

"Hi there. Im Niall" He said, an Irish accent coming out of his mouth. Ah HA! He was the one that was requesting persmision to raid Harry's refrigerator. I lked him already. Hehe.  

One boy, had wavyish hair and had on stripes and..... suspenders..? He looked the oldest and I assumed he was. "I'm Louis 'the Tommo' Tomlinson" he said. Brit.

Standing next to him, had olive skin, and black quiffed hair. He had a blonde section in the front too. "Im Zayn."

The last boy had brown hair as well and he had a plaid shirt on. Looking professional much...? He looked the most muture but Louis looked physically older. He seemed sweet, Liam.  "Ello my lady, I'm Liam. Nice to meet you." Yep he was definitly the most mutue. 

"And since I know know all ya'll's names, I suppose I'll tell you mine. I'm Lylli." I said, smiling. 

They nooded. 

"I KNOW! WE SHOULD PLAY TRUTH!" Louis shouted. 

"Is that like Truth Or Dare without the dare?" I asked

"YUP! That way we can get to knw eachother better."

Oh God.....

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