Chapter 3- Truths...

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A/N: HEYYYY Well if you're reading this it must ean that you have read up to  this point. So to make me feel better about this story, leave a comment or whatever shiz you want. I WANT FEEDBACK! Thanks lovelies.  Comment and you'll get a dedication... <3 


'I'll go first." said Liam calmly. "Okay. So. Lylli. Where are you from?"

"Georgia, in the States." I replied easily

"Are you single?!" Shouted Louis. 

"Yeah. But I don't know if I'm just ready enough yet to date. But mybe one of you might change my mind.." I smirked at the last part.  Niall grinned and Louis whistled. 

"Which one of us would you most likely want to date?" asked Harry smirking. 

"Um... Well I just met you... so im not sure..."

"PICK ONE OF US!" Louis screeched. Laughing after. 

"Well... so far.. I would pick....Niall?" I said blushing. I glanced at NIall and he was blushing too. Zayn chuckled and wolf whistled. Asshole. 

"Why Niall?!?!" complained Louis.  

"Maybe because his accent or he fact that he likes food just as much as me." This answer resulted in Niall blushing more and Liam smirking. "Now, continue with the questions. NO MORE ABOUT NIALL..."

"I have one!" Said Mr. Horan himself. "How much do you REALLY love food?"

"Like.. um.. ill show you!" I said grabbing NIalls hand and pulling him off the couch and into the kitchen. Fireworks. Electifying. His touch. I got shivers. The good kind of course. We heard wistles behind us and some whispering. I let go of Niall's hand as we entered the kitchen. There stood my best friend. Refrierator. My best friend. I smiled and ran toward my best friend opening his doors and peeking inside. TONS OF FOOD! OMG! We usually had venison back home but nothing this good. i was in heaven. I shut the fridge and into the cabinets. I found them. My love, other than fridgey, OREOS! I snatched then and a jar of Nutella and opened the jar. Niall was laughing at me. I loved his laugh. It was contagious. I wanted to hear that laugh everyday. 

Hold on. Lylli get a hold of yourself. You just met him and you already love something about him. What was going on? Hmm. My thoughts were inturupted when Niall snatched the cookie from my hand and popped it in his mouth. !!!!!!! OMG !!!! NO HE DID NOT JUST DO THAT!

"NIall! My cookie! NOOOOOOO!" I giggled while yelling at him. 

"Nope! I dont think so!" He yelled back between chuckles. 

There was his beautiful laugh on display again. WHat was with him? 

"I want another one!" 

"You'll just have ot get it from me then!" 

"Oh! You're on!"


We chased eachother around the kitchen. I almost fell right when I was about to reach Niall. Sh*+! 

I was about to fall aain when Niall stopped, turned around and caught me. Fireworks. Again. Boom. 

He was blushing and I was sure I was too. 

I wanted to kiss him. It wouldn't be weird, would it? 

I was thinking about this when Niall started to slowly come closer. I closed my eyes and leaned in. 


Niall and I joltd our eyes open and realised how colose we were to actually connecting our lips. DAMN YOU LOU! 

Louis continiued to laugh at us and soon the rest of the boys came in too. 

I didnt want to explain what had happened so instead I asked, "What room or whos room am I sleeping in?" 

"Well we were thinking Harry's but seeing how close YOU two- Lylli and NIall- YOU two should be in the same room. 


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