Chapter 4- Late night walks.

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I liked the idea of me and Niall sleeping together but WHAT THE HELL LOUIS!?! 

I wanted to slap that boy but it wouldnt make a good impression of me. Fuck... Instead I just sighed and blushed. 

"Alright. But just to warn y'all, Y'ALL  BETTER NOT WAKE ME UP BEFORE 10:00 TOMORROW! It will living hell for y'all if you do! Back on the farm I had to wake up at 5:00 and feed the animals, so here, IM SLEEPING 'TILL 10!" I said, warning them. 

"Alright love! But we have to record tomorrow at 9:00 so we'll be gone before you wake up." Liam said. 

"Oh, but what the fuck and I supposed to do while all y'all are gone?!?"

"Well, don't you have friends that you can text or something? You could call them, or you can just explore London." Zayn stated. 

"Good idea Zayn! Wait before I go to bed, can I have all y'all's numbers?" I asked grabbing out my mossy oak cased iPhone. 

"Nice case." said Niall looking at my phone. 

"Thanks. I got it at my favorite store i the states; Cabela's. Its like a store that sells hunting gear and guns and stuff."

"Niice. Heres my phone." Niall said giving me his iPhone; Irish flag, classy. haha. 

They passed my phone around while I juggled theirs, putting mine in each. They all had epic cases:

Louis: a carrot.... um?

Harry: (changed his when we got home) to cats... strange boy... 

Zayn: The Yin-Yang symbol.. Seems like him. 

Liam: A turtle, AWWW! 

Nialls: Like I said, Irish flag. 

I said thanks when we were all done and said my goodbye's and walked out of the kitchen and Niall went to the bathroom. I walked out,  then right back in. 

"Hey.. Um.. Where's Niall's room?" I asked them, I would have asked Niall but he was in the bathroom. 

"Upstairs, down the hall, second one on the right. If you ever need one of us, the arrangements are; 

"Liam in the first one on the left, Harry on the second one on the left, Louis, third one on the left, and me in the first on the right. The one straight back is the theatre, and third one on the right is a small studio."  Zayn said pointing in different directions when he said it. 

"THEATRE?!?!"I shouted.. Oops.

"Yeah." Liam started, "It has another flat screen and theatre chairs like in the movie theatres. We have a popcorn machine and mini bar type thing in there. We have to lock up the food becuase you know wh-"

"Cough Cough NIALL cough." Louis hinted.  I chuckled as did the rest of the boys. 

"Haha, as I was saying, We have to lock it up or else it would be raided, and all the food would be gone." Liam concluded just as NIall walked back to join us. 

"Oh.. I understand. Well, if y'all don't mind I'm going to head up to bed. Where are my suitcases? "

"They WERE in Harry's room but Niall here, just put them in his room."  Louis explained.


"Just now....?" Harry said like I had two heads

"But he was just in the bathroom...."

"NOPE! He went upstairs.." Zayn started, "Silly head, maybe you DO need some sleep...."

"Oh..? And alright alright. Goodnight y'all." I called as I headed for the cream carpeted mahogany stairs. I counted the dors down the hall until I found it. Niall's room. I opened it slowly and gasped at the sight.

He had a queen sized bed, with a green black, and blue comforter. His carpet was white, and he had  green walls with a black crisscross pattern. I opened another door to reveal a HUGE walk in closet. I mean HUGE! Clothes were colorcoded and his shoes were in a neat line. The other door led to another room. If one side was the studio, the other room was... COME ON LYLLI THINK! Ohh YEAHHHH ZAYNS! There were hair products on the counter and a few clothes here and there. I dont want to do a full out tour of all the rooms so I closed the door and decided to further explore Nialls room. His window was open so I looked outside. It was a BEAUTIFUL Sight. You could see Big Ben in the backround. The London scenery was spectacular. You could see city lights everywhere. I couldn't believe it. I turned back around and continued my self tour. He had a little picture on his bedside desk. Carefully I picked it up. It was him and a little girl. Aww! I turned it around and on the back of the frame it said (Not sure if this is a real cousins name, probably not) 

Niall and Isabella: Cousinly Love: June 18th, 2010 

Aww! She is so cute! SHe looked about 6 or 7. SHe had auburn har and freckles that were sprinkled on her face, her bright blue eyes matched Niall's.  Isabella did in fact look like Niall. If someone didn't know they were cousins, they would've sworn they were siblings.

The  next thing in Niall's room was a box. It was labled 'food stores' Oh. Boy. I didn't realise I was hungry until I saw the word food. My stomach grumbled. I;m sure Niall won't mind if I just take a few things.. Would he? Probably not. I bet he'd understand. Maybe. But what if he gets mad? 'Damn Lylli! Stop prcrastinating!' I heard my friend Alex say in my mind. She's right, by now I could've eaten some food and be done. Here goes nothing.....

"NOOO! DO NOT TOUCH MY FOOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! IT'S MY BABY!" I heard an Irish accent scream from behind me. 

"IM SORRY! I just saw it and was tempted... Im sorry Niall....."  I said tearing up. If only he knew about what happened.. nevermind...

"It's okay. Sorry for shouting. Don't cry!"  Niall said, rushing to me and wiping it away.

"I.. I.. I just have  a past that when someone yells, it comes flooding back. I probably look really stupid right now..."

"Nooooo you dont look stupid! And I guess I really overreacted... Hey, wanna go on a walk>

"Um... Sure."

"Great. The rest of the boys are asleep now, so it'll just be us."

"Alright. Let's go!" I said, grabbing my 'Browning' sweatshirt out of my suitcase.

Nial nodded and grabbed his white 'Jack Wills' sweatshirt out of his closet and we slipped out of his room. We ran down the stairs and to the front door. I grabbed a package of fruit snacks on my way out because I was still hungry. I opened it as Niall opened the door for us and we stepped out into the chilly night air. We walked for a few minutes, not talking. It was a good silence though.

"So, what memory were you talking about, when I yelled?" He asked calmly and almost like he didn;t want me to hear him.

"Well.." I started

Oh. Boy. Here comes the truth......  

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