Day 4: The Doctor Is Back

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"The patient is ready for you."

Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein waved his nurse away impatiently. "Yes, yes, thank you. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to need absolute privacy."

"Of course." Her heels clicked on the tile as she hurried away obediently. He would not be disturbed during such an important procedure, the nurse would take care of that. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to trust someone so naive, but she was the best person for the job; it was always good to have a sharpshooter on hand in case of emergencies.

Henrik took a deep breath. This would be his first operation in years and he was a bit rusty. Maybe under normal circumstances, being out-of-practice was a bad thing. But for this particular procedure, it was going to prove more of a useful tool than a skill lacked.

After a moment's hesitation, Henrik pulled up his surgical mask and opened the door.

At first glance, there didn't seem to be much in the room. Only an occupied operating table, a stand full of drawers, and a sink. However, Henrik knew the drawers of the stand were filled with all kinds of fun gadgets meant to mangle and tear. Though there wouldn't be much to work with, it would certainly be enough.

The patient struggled against the straps holding him to the table at Henrik's arrival, beads of sweat shining on his forehead from the strain.

Henrik smiled, though he knew it wouldn't show beneath his mask. "Ah, you're awake! Good, good. That means we can get started right away."

"Get started with what?" the man yelled. "Who are you? Where the hell am I?"

"I am Dr. Schneeplestein and this is my hospital, for lack of a better word. What is your name?"

"Like hell I'd give it to you," the patient snarled. "Let me out right now!"

Henrik clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "I'm afraid I can't do that. See, someone in the world really wants you dead and was willing to pay for it. Normally I wouldn't take the job, but your friend was quite persuasive; I couldn't turn her down."

The man's eyes widened at his words and he fought even harder against his restraints. "No, you can't trust her--she won't do it, she won't pay you--!"

"She already has." 

The man froze in terror as Henrik calmly pulled out some latex gloves from the stand. "The kind lady was very insistent in making sure I got the job done and was willing to pay in much more than money. But let me tell you a secret."

Henrik leaned in toward the man's ear, just close enough to make him struggle again. "I would have been happy to do this for free," he whispered.

"You sick son of a bitch." The patient yanked at his bonds, but to no avail.

Henrik tilted his head in agreement, pulling on his latex gloves with a menacing snap. "True, but we are all a little sick in the head, are we not? Some of us have just learned to accept it."

"And kill people because of it?"

"Oh, don't give me that. Your lady friend told me what you do and I wouldn't say I'm the only one here with blood on my hands."

The patient seemed to be getting desperate now, watching Henrik look through drawers. "Look, I can give you whatever you want! Whatever she gave you, I can give you more of or more money than she can ever pay you! How could you pass up an opportunity like this?"

Henrik pretended to look thoughtful for a moment and watched the patient's hopes begin to rise out of the corner of his eye. He loved watching the fleeting moment get crushed as he pulled out a small scalpel, turning it thoughtfully despite the patient's pleas for freedom.

This was why he'd become a doctor.

"Rather easily," Henrik replied.

"No! Please, I can give you anything, I can give you more patients, money, just don't kill me!"

Henrik laughed, catching his patient off-guard. "Oh, I'm not going to kill you yet, that wouldn't be any fun! I'm going to torment you and make however long you end up lasting a living nightmare until you collapse. Then, I'll bring you back from the edge and do it all over again until I get bored. Your pleading only makes the experiment that much more interesting."

The man was grunting from the effort of trying to break his bonds now. Henrik paused in his inspection of the scalpel, turning to to the patient with true curiosity.

"Do you want to know what she gave me in exchange for your excruciating death?"

The patient didn't say anything, only pulled desperately at the straps.

Henrik placed the scalpel on the man's exposed torso, just below where his heart would be. "She gave me the locations of your wife and children so I could experiment with them, too."

"NO!" He was practically feral now, clawing at the table like a beast though unable to make a scratch. "PLEASE, I'LL DO ANYTHING!"

Henrik chuckled. He didn't know this man's wife and children, only that he had them. It was so much fun to torment his patients before beginning the procedure. He was in his prime like this, poised over a living being with all too much power; the thrill was exhilarating.

Slowly, he began to press the scalpel into the patient's skin, causing him to yell in pain. "Then scream louder and make your end worth my time."

Dr. Schneeplestein was back in business.


Got dark with this one, but I couldn't resist. The temptation to make Schneep a bad guy was too much after I've made everyone else good. Dunno if I'll do any more moral swapping in the future, we'll just have to wait and see!

Writing this on the 8th still, this is the third chapter so far I've finished in like, two hours. Time flies when you're telling stories about psychopaths, I guess.

Now that all the major egos have had their turn in the spotlight, that means repeats are gonna be starting now! No, I am NOT writing about Robbie or any of the other non-canon egos, my tiny brain cannot handle that many characters (where did robbie even come from anyway?).

Anyway, thanks again for reading! Hope that bit at the end there didn't make any of you squeamish.

- a lost pair of scissors

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