Day 11: Tie

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"A̴ bít t̕i͟e͠d ưp t̛ḩe͜r҉e̡,́ a̧r͟e̴n't we͢?"

Chase's eyes snapped open and he started to struggle against his bonds, the rope around his neck making him itch.

Anti snickered, standing in midair level with Chase's height on top of the chair. "Re̴ady ͢t̷o b̶ack ou҉t ̸on̡ ͜yo͢u̢r̴ d͢e͡a͞l̵?̛ ̴Or d͟o yo̴u̵ ̡s͜t͡ill͠ t̶h̢i̛n͠k you ͠ca̷n͞ su̧r̡v͘i͏vé ̢w͠hat's͘ ̛n̵e̵xt̛?̵"

Chase said nothing, only spat at Anti's feet.

"Fin҉a͏ll̕y ͝de͏cid̶ed ̡to ́gro̡w ̕a͜ ͡p̷a̸i͟r͟, I ͟s̷ee̶." Anti mocked. "G̶lad̷ ͘to ͠ķńo͡w҉ yo̸u'v̨e ̧sti̡ll got ą ͢fig̀h̛t͝e͘r̷'s s͜p̀ir̵i̡t; ̵t̢h̸a͡t҉ ̧make̶s̴ ̕t͠h͜i̕n͠gs m͜uch̵ ҉m͏ore ̀fun fo̕r mę.͡"

"You'll never win," Chase said, the growl of defiance seeping into his voice. "I'm not the only one of us. You can't play these games forever when it's six to one."

"F̛iv̶e͘ to͜ o̴ne̵." Anti stepped closer and Chase started struggling to free himself again. For all the confidence he tried to show, all of his big talk was just to buy time. He knew what was coming next and wanted to prolong it for as long as possible.

Chase quickly started to search for something to say. "Y-you can't really hurt me, as long as my kids are okay. Nothing else matters."

"Ąn̷d͘ ͝ho̶w do ̢y̕o̴u ͜k͞n̨o͘w͢ t̸h̡ey͜'͡r̷e͟ şt͏ill aliv̵e a͜fţer a̢ll͠ ̶o͡f͠ ̕tḩi̕s?̀"

He could feel the blood drain from his face. Maybe stalling wasn't such a good idea.

Anti began to circle him, like a vulture waiting for the death of its prey. "F̕u͢n̨n͟y t͘h̡a̡t you̷ t̸h̀ou͞g͠ht I͜'͘d̨ k̕ȩe̸p ̡m҉y ͘end of̷ ͟th̶e̕ b̵argaiņ.̧ W̷ha͝t d̢o̵ yo̵u̵ t́hin̷k ͢Í ̧am̛, s̀om̀e ͢s͞o̴rt ̷o͟f̨ genié? ̕I'͝m͢ not̷ bound t͠o ͢an̸y ͡l͜a͡w͞s ̢t͝ha͠t͝ sa͘y I ha͜ve͘ to ̧kęép ͠m͏y ͝e͏nd͠ of ̵the̡ ̨d̕ea͘l͟. ͞Yo̵u j͡u̷s͏t͡ ga̶ve͟ t̷he͜m̢ ͠up҉!͟"

"You're lying!" Chase yelled, but it was more of a plea. His eyes were becoming moist.

"Ar͡e͏ ͡yo҉u̢ s͟ure͏?̵" Anti taunted. "A̵f͡te̡r al̵l,͘ yo͟u ̨h̶a͏v́en'̸t͘ s͟e̴eń ͢your ̕k̀id͏s̀ ͏sin̡ce y̴o͡u s̵u͝ccưm̢b́e̸d ̸to̷ my͘ i͡n҉fl͟ue̡n͠ce͜.́ W͞ho̸'͟s ̨t̀o s̸ay w͞hat̡'s tr̷u͝e̕ o̶r̡ not?͢"

"No, no, no. Th-they're fine! You--you're just saying this to get inside my head, b-but it's not working!"

Anti's laughter made Chase shudder involuntarily. "R͝ig̵h̀t҉.̸ ͢J̕u͢st ҉ke͡e̶ṕ ̸b̢el̶ievįng ̛t̛hat͝ an͞d̡ y̧oú'̛l̶l̷ ̀be ̷f̛i͝n͟e."

"Stop it!" He could feel himself start to panic, anxiety welling up in his chest like a beast awakening from its slumber. The kids had to be okay, they just had to be. Anti couldn't be lying, there was no way, he had to keep his end of the deal. No, these were just tricks, Chase was certain.

But what if they weren't tricks? What if Anti had killed them or was torturing them the same way he was torturing Chase? He couldn't bear the thought of his precious children being harmed. Maybe Anti was just saying that to make him doubt himself, causes him to spiral into insanity. The monster did say he wanted to have fun with him; he couldn't do that as easily if Chase was insane and immune to anything Anti subjected him to. Would it be better to play his games?

Anti let out a satisfied hum, and Chase got the sinking feeling that he'd just read his thoughts. "Y̡ou̧ do͠ń'͝t şe̷e̢m ͟to͞ ̶be ͢h̡old̨ing̢ ̀up͜ ̨so ͘we҉l̷l̵. ̡May̛be̕ it͞'̨s͡ ̴t̵im̡e w̷e͜ ̶s҉t͠o͘p͏ ̧m̷es̡s̵ing a̷r̶oưn̶d͝ an͞d g̴e̢t́ ̕ser͟i͝ou̴s h̶e͢r̢e҉."

"No, don't--!" Chase literally choked on his words as the rope around his neck tightened, making it incredibly hard to breathe. He gasped, trying to take in as much air as he could with his constrained windpipe. Slowly, his foot began to move toward the edge of the chair below him.

"L̷ęt me͘ ͜get̸ o͞ne̛ ҉thin͠g ͟st̀r̴aig͘ht̶." Anti stopped pacing and turned to face him, a sadistic grin on his face. "Yo͝u àr҉e min͠e noẃ.̨ ̧W̕e ̧ma̶d͘e a d̕ea̸l ͟a̕nd͡ ȩv̶e̷n ͏tho͟ugh͘ ͠I ́c̕án go ba̡c͢k̢ ̧on ҉it ͘all ̢I w̵an͝t, ̀ỳo̡u ҉ha͢ve ̛no̕ ̧p͜ower ҉w͠hi͢l͏e̴ ̛I'̷m͘ in ̵c͘ontrol̀.̸ ͜Yo҉ur ̢k̵id͠s̵ a̴r͢e͜ as͏ g̶o͜ǫd ͡as dea̢d́ ͝an͘d ỳo̷u͝'̷rȩ g̷onn͢a̧ ̶b̸e s̀t̨u͘c̸k ̴he̵re̡ f̸o͘r͝ as͏ l̕o͘n͠g͝ ͞ąs ̸I͢ ̢fi̧ņd you entert͘ai͢nińg. Ţake͟ ̴f̢ŕom t҉hat҉ w͝hat y͝o̷u wil͞l, ̴b̶ut ͡kno̷w͠ ̴tha̵t̶ t̷here͝'̧s ͏no̵ ͠es̕ca̢ṕe f̡r͘om҉ m̀e̵.̧"

Chase was crying now; he couldn't stop himself. The edges of his vision were already starting to go black as one foot stepped off the chair, the other getting ready to follow suit. 

Anti clicked his tongue, grabbing Chase's face in a tight grip. "Aw͠,҉ ̶he͟'s c͞r͢y̴i̕ńg.͠ ͝H҉ow̡ m̶u͞c̶h̶ mo̧r̶e͞ ͝c̴a̴n ͟t͞his ̧p͢o͞o҉r ̕boy ̀t͢ak͝e͝?"

Chase took as big of a breath as he could just before his foot slipped off the chair and his body swung uselessly above the ground. He tried to squirm a little, but he knew it was no use. The end had come for him; he was going to die alone with no help and no chance of saving his kids. 

"Ca̷n ́y̶ou̸ f̨ee̡l̀ ͠you͜r͏ lif̕e̡ s͜l̶ippi̵n͝g͝ ̸a͡w̧ày?̷" Anti teased.

Chase did. As the last of the air disappeared from his lungs he closed his eyes and accepted his fate. The sooner he took responsibility, the sooner this would all be over.

And the worst part? Chase couldn't care less.


If you guys haven't noticed, I have a very obvious favorite trope and that is Anti manipulating Chase. It's ironic, but also incredibly fun to write so I'll just keep on indulging myself until I'm satisfied.

I'm running low on ideas in some ways, which means I might move on to some AU ideas I have in mind. Not sure exactly which AUs, this is just warning you guys that there might be some changes in world writing. Get excited, I guess???

I'm writing this on the 21st, still ten days behind, but hopefully I can get another chapter up tonight. I promise I'll finish this, it's just slow going with all the stuff I have going on. Not to mention I'm leaving for a three day trip on the 26th which will take up even more time to write--I'm trying my best here.

If you've made it this far, thanks! I really do appreciate it. If anyone's got any tips on how the coin system works here on Wattpad, I'd love to hear them cuz this takes time and I would like to start making money off of the valuable time I'm spending. (Won't stop me from writing if I don't earn anything, the extra muns would just be super helpful.)

Anyway, thanks for reading! Stay tuned for whatever comes next!

- a rope you should never use

Mayhem 2019 (JackSepticEye Prompts)Where stories live. Discover now