[ Part Eight ] END

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Travis' POV

Holy shit. Holy shit! Sally Face was kissing me. Me! Of all people! I didn't really know how the whole kissing thing worked, but I leaned toward him and tried my best.

When he pulled away, I could see a half mangled smile on his face. For a quick second I thought he might be making fun of me, as my insecure brain always went there, but then the tight hug he pulled me into convinced me other wise.

"I'll always be here for you Travis. I know you're kinda messed up, but hey, have you send my face?" I couldn't help but to laugh. "We're both broken. But we're broken together, ok? Forever."

I pulled away and looked at Sal, feeling the happiest I think I've ever felt. "Yeah Sally. Forever."

Sal's POV

My first kiss. And with Travis Phelps. I barley knew what I was doing, so I just thought it'd be best to pretend like it did. I must have been doing something right, the way Travis kissed me back told me that.

I pulled away, unable to contain the smile that danced across my face. I saw a slightly confused Travis stare back at me, so I pulled him close into a hug. I felt warmth around me as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"I'll always be here for you Travis. I know you're kinda messed up, but hey, have you send my face?" His quiet laugh made my heart absolutely melt. "We're both broken. But we're broken together, ok? Forever." He pulled away and met my eyes. I felt like kissing him again, but he looked like he was gonna say something.

"Yeah Sally. Forever."

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