My HOT famous b... bestfriend.

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Ugh, I rolled over on my bed and hit my alarm clock so it would shut up it's waaay too early but that's not an excuse, I have to go to fudging school. There is just one good thing about today... he is coming back yay! Finally after like 8 or 9 months my besttie is coming back. In a week but hey that means I have to wait less. He left because of his tour thing yep, he is in a tour and I have to admit his music is pretty good, I was his first fan and he went to a tour, I have no idea were to, so they could make his music more popular.


"I'm going! Stupid clock!" yeah I know it can't hear me but I talk to things even if that is weird.

I stood up from my beautiful comfy bed and walked over to the shower. Ahhh I love showers they calm me down so much. I got out of the shower and got dressed in my stupid school uniform. It was a skirt , too short for my liking, and a White shirt that was too tight. Most of the girls wore clothes that were too small for them and high heels so they looked even more slutty. But I'm not a slut I'm ... I'm actually nothing at school. But I'm not ignored eather uggh I wish I was ignored, but no actually most of the people bully me. I don't have a single friend but Justin and as he was away with the tour thing I got even more bullies. But believe me I tried making friends but it's just like if everyone knew something really bad from me so no one ever gets close to me.

I brush my wavy brown hair and put on my purple glasses over my green eyes.

"Alex you are gonna be late hurry up bitch!!!" Brandon shouted from down stairs.

Hey I don't think I even presented myself well I'm Alexaine Rupert Smith. I know my second name is for guys but hey I didn't chose it. Brandon is my moms boyfriend... alright husband, and he is an asshole I really hate him but if mom is happy I don't care about the daily bruises. I have one friend, Justin, and a bunch of bullies in my life. Oh yeah and I'm 16, 17 in some days yay!

"BITCH!" oh right school.

I put on my black converse, see nothing sluttie, and the red tie, and run downstairs. Mom is probably at work now. I grab a muffin and my bag. That was surprisingly on the sofa and not on the floor. And run through the door.

School is not that far so I can walk. While walking I eat my muffin yummy it's chocolate chips.

Soon I'm already at school walking to my locker. I can hear people whispering things and laughing while I walk. Well let's see what they will do to make me suffer now.


yay! First chappie new story pineapples hope you liked it so yeah... ugh anyways I hope this story gets a little love cause it is going to be fun to write and yeah all the drama it has haha you'll suffer (le evil grin) >:)

Anyways keep reading this note and you will just waste your time...




*yay first fanfic hope it's not crap!!!




See time waste haha well see ya!

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