4: The Dungeon

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~Couple Days Later~

I'm so bored.....

I toss and turn in my bed,letting out groans of utter boredom. I finally sit up,what's Commodus doing?

I leave my room,and make my way through the long narrow hallway all the way to his corridors. I decide to walk in,"hi Commodus~" I greet,skipping into the room.

"Whatcha doi-"

My eyes grow wide,there was the great emperor himself....

In the midst of putting on his clothes

"Oh my god!" I gasp,shielding my eyes with my shaking hands,"I-I'm so sorry!"

"This is why you always knock~" he growls angrily,"you can look now". I re open my eyes,and see he's finally dressed.

"What do you want little sprite~?" He asks with annoyance,"I came to see what you were doing" I tell him,taking a seat beside him on his bed.

I notice the golden flower-crown-like piece on his head,"is this your crown?" I question, reaching up and taking it from his head, examining it.

"Must you put your grubby little hands on them?" He snaps,trying to take it from my hands.

I spark an idea

"Wait~!" I yell,jumping off his bed and standing in front of him,"I want to put it on".

"No!" He says,"only the emperor gets to wear it you little child!"

I let out a sigh,"your mean~" I groan,giving him back his crown,"what re you always so grumpy?"

"I am not grumpy~" he says,slightly offended,
"A emperor needs to be assertive at all times to keep the boundary of the social hierarchy"

"....uh-huh" I tell him,"that's interesting"

"Why you little-!"

"My lord!" I hear one of the guards from the other side of the door,"you are needed in the main quarters of the palace, a man is on trial for theft!"

Commodus's looks at me,"I must go" He says,
"Do what you like until I return"

"Can I come?" I ask,"pleeeeease~"

He lets out a sigh,"Fine,only if you be quiet and let the adults talk,deal?".


The guard leads us into a large opening of the palace,where I see a highly emaciated man on his knees,quietly sobbing as his wrists were chained together in tight shackles.

Commodus takes a seat in his royal chair,while I sit criss-cross beside him on the hard floor.

"What is your name peasant?" He asks, his voice booming through the large room with power and pride.

The man looks into the emperor's eyes,"L-Leonard..." he stutters,"Meadus...".

"State the crime you have committed!"


"For what has the culprit stolen?"

"A load of bread from the local bakery" the guard tells the emperor,"he says he was trying to feed his family".

Oh no...

That poor man

"I see..." Commodus says,"Leonard Meadus, I sentence thee to life in the most rotten,molded, and rusted dungeon to ever walk the earth!"


"Commodus!" I yell,my own voice echoing through the area,"he was trying to feed his family!"

"Silence!" He commands me,"For what gives you the audacity to interrupt this trial before me!?!"

"Empathy!" I say back,standing to my feet,"which you clearly lack"

I proceed to walk over to the man

"ZOLA!" He screams,"if you dare take another step!"

I ignore him,making my way to Leonard.

"Your free to go~" I say with a smile,taking off the man's shackles.

The man gazes at me with thankful eyes,
"Bless you princess Zola~!" He beams,and runs out of the building.

"how DARE YOU!" I hear commodus's angry voice from behind me,I turn to face him,giving him an angry look.

"Are you happy with yourself!?!" I yell at him,
"he was trying to feed his family,couldn't you show him a little mercy!?!"

"YOU DISOBEDIENT LITTLE MINX!" He yells,"I should have never chosen you to be my bride,I see that you are clearly not fit to be my queen,guards...!"

He glares at me with those stone cold eyes

"Take her to the dungeon!" He commands,then takes slow steady steps,now only inches away from my face.

"And let her ROT there for eternity~!"

I feel an armored hand place itself on my shoulder,I quickly sweep under,grabbing his arm and tossing him over me,his body landing on the stone-cold floor.

Another guard comes up behind me,grabbing me by the waist with both arms and lifting me off the ground.

"LET GO OF ME!" I scream,thrashing around and kicking my legs. But it was no use, and he proceeded to take me down a long staircase.

Am I Not Merciful? Commodus x Reader/ Main CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now