6: Preparations

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~Couple Weeks Later~

As time passed,I've managed to avoid being sent to the dungeon. It was really a poor choice for Commodus, a quite immature one at that.

Today I've been requested to his room,the guard had informed me that he has some great news and would like me to go see him. Of course I did what was told and made my way over to the emperor's room.

I knocked on the door,"Commodus...?" I call out to him,"did you need me for something?"

I made my way inside, making sure to close the door behind me. There I saw Commodus sitting at his window,looking out into the morning scene.

"Ya royal hineyness~?" I tease him,which ultimately made him turn to face me with an annoyed look.

"I told you not to call me that~" he grumbles with frustration.

I chuckle lightly,standing beside him and gazing out into the window with him. "What special news are you about to tell me?" I ask.

"Ah yes~" he gasps in realization,"that's right, I have splendid news my dear. My family are coming to meet my soon-to-be queen,and they should be arriving sometime today".

"Does that mean there's a paaaarty~" I ask him, my body ready to burst with excitement.

He lets out a sigh,rolling his bright blue eyes,
"Yeeess~" he groans,"there will be a part-"

"WOOHOO!" I burst,letting my energy explode with jumps and turns of joy.

"Z-Zola!" Commodus tries to calm me down, ultimately picking me up and holding me up from the ground so that I wouldn't run.

"A queen does not "woohoo" " he states sternly,
"Yes they do~" I laugh,"watch me, WOOOH-"

He quickly clamps a hand to my mouth,"don't make me cancel the party~" he threatens.

"Okay okay fine~" I groan,"jeez, your not fun~"

"Emperors don't have fun" he says,setting me down,"they must put their people before themselves,and show pride and respect for those around him".

He coughs a-bit,getting back into his usual professional stance.

"I have advised the maids to properly wash, dress,and style you for this important event. So that means no back talking,no rough housing, and most important of all....NO jokes, understand."

Before I could answer,thee was a knock at the door.

"You may enter" Commodus speaks, and three women dressed in uniform make their way into the room. All three now their heads simultaneously,"we have come to prepare the queen for the gathering of your family great Caesar " the girl in the middle says politely.

"Very well~" he obliged,then looks at me,"go on then".

I stick my tongue out at him,then walk over to the girls."so..." I pause,"I guess we're doing this".

They lead me out of Commodus's room,and into a giant,luxurious bathroom. They were all kinds of baths,showers,soaps,shampoos everything one could need to freshen up.

"Holy crap~" I gasp,"this is...awesome".

The maids look at each other,passing strange looks of confusion.once they collected themselves,they stood back to their professional manner.

"We shall start a bath for you my queen" the one in the middle speaks.

After a few minutes pass,I sit in the bathtub, huge amounts of bubbles lightly foaming against my pale skin. I grab a rag,and was about to start cleaning my body until I was interrupted.

"My lady,you mustn't wore yourself out,please, it's a requirement to let the queen relax while we do the washing for her"

I give her a strange look,"whaaaat....?" I question,"nah...um...I'm good,that's alright, I like washing my own body...and not letting someone else do it".

Her eyes widen,"o-oh I see..." she says,"then, let me wash your hair".

Before I could intrude,she was already behind me,pouring shampoo onto my long hair and lightly massaging my scalp.

"Wow thanks..." I say,"gee I didn't know maids did so much when it comes to bathing".

It was silent for a couple minutes,that's when I had the most genius idea to break the tension.

"Do you guys like jokes...?" I ask them,they look at each other with wide eyes,not knowing how to respond professionally.

"Not ones for talking I see...~" I sigh,"okay here's the joke, what do you call a three humped camel".

The girls once again look at each other,lightly shrugging.

"Pregnant~" I chuckle

The girls let out little giggles,trying hard to not laugh most likely cause it shows unprofessionalism.

"See ya funny~" I laugh,"I don't understand why everyone here is so uptight".

"It's because it's royalty head quarters" I FINALLY get one of the girls to talk.

The other maids look at the girl as if she committed a murder, are they really not allowed to chat with royalty.

"Is that so..." I say,wanting to keep a normal tone to let them know it's okay to talk and laugh, as well as let them know they have a freaking SOUL!

"Y-your not angry for us speaking?" Another maid asks,looking at me with nervousness in her eyes.

"What the heck!" I yell,"of course not, what in the world!?!"

They let out huge sighs of relief,"thank god~" one breathes,"you are a god send,I thought we could never let loose~".

"Glad to help~" I chuckle,"anyway,now that the awkwardness is over with,tell me about Commodus's family".

They look at each other with smiles

"We have some major gossip for you my queen~"

Am I Not Merciful? Commodus x Reader/ Main CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now