11: More

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~Commodus pov~

"I didn't ask for this...."

"I didn't ask for any of this..."

"And I didn't ask for you..."

...I am a fool....

A pure and utter fool.....

All the pain I've caused...all the misery I bestowed upon my townspeople....

And I only realized it until now...

Because of a girl...

~Because of Zola~

"Your highness!" I hear the oncoming footsteps of my men,"w-we couldn't find princess Zola,s-she-"

"Don't~" I sharply interrupt him

I slowly turn around, showing my face to my army of men." From this moment forward I want you to forget everything you knew about the girl" I tell them,"if you see her in the village leave her be, do not touch her,do not speak to her, and don't look at her".

I walk passed them," I have matters to tend to in the dungeon, You are all off of your duties for the day"

I leave the men to themselves,quietly walking towards the dark staircase. I feel the gravel crumble beneath my boots, sending a chill up my spine as I gently touched the dust against the aging rail with a gentle finger.

I could hear the moans and sobs of the men who were bestowed down here....

By me~

I make my way up to the first cage, through the dim candlelight I could see the figure of a severely emaciated man.

My eyes widen with shock....

Dear god what have I done...?

I quickly grab the keys from my pocket, hesitantly unlocking it and making my way inside.

"S-sir are you alright...?" I ask, feeling genuine concern in my voice.

What is happening to me...?

"T-t-th...." the man coughs dryly,"t-thir-sty..."

"Water" I tell him," you need water, let's get you out of here..." I help the man to his feet, his boney legs stumbling and tripping over his own two feet. I help the man up the staircase, where he was greeted to the bright hallway of the mansion.

I wish I had not looked at him in the light, for he looked horrid, almost not even alive.

"It's okay now" I tell him,"your alright now..."

As I led him through the halls, I finally find a group of maids.

"Misses!" I call to them,they all quickly turn to face me, their features wide with surprise.

"G-Great Caesar" One If them stutters nervously, bowing her head," w-what can I do...?"

"Take this man to the dining hall" I tell her, gently giving him to the group of women,
"Feed him, clean him, and give him as much water as he wants".

They nod their heads,quickly helping the man through the hall.

I feel myself get light headed, dizzy from the adrenaline, confused from the nausea of these emotions coursing through my body.

W-what is happening to me...?

I shake the thought from my head, coming to my senses as I force myself towards the dungeon once again.


I-I need to help more....

~I need to save more people~

Am I Not Merciful? Commodus x Reader/ Main CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now