12: I'd Do Anything For You

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~ couple weeks later~

~Zola's pov~

I helped Ramsey with the last set of apples, lifting the heavy box with a loud grunt and setting it in the carriage.

"That's the last of them sir..."I quietly mumble, earning a good pat on the shoulder from him. I walk up to the horses, gently brushing my hand along their muzzles.

"Thank you Zola" he says,"...look I....I know things are tough...but I'm here for you, we all are".

I smile, wanting to show my gratitude for the gentleman." Thank you" I say to him," I'm just glad you were able to get me a job at the grocery department, especially with the lack of supplies for the winter, I really appreciate that".

"Don't worry about it~" he shrugs,jumping on the steering part of the carriage and grabbing the reins.

"I'm heading off" he says," you best head inside before you catch a chill, do you need anything before I go?"

"No sir" I tell him," I'll be fine, you go on"

He nods,snapping the reins and going down the dirt road. I walk along the grass,which was glazed with frost, turning the green color into a soft silvery-blue. Every now and then I felt a icy cold breeze against my body,sending my long locks flying, and goosebumps spreading along my skin.

Winter is so close...

It will definitely snow tomorrow...

I heard the clatter of hooves, thinking it was just Ramsey I ignored it, however, I could hear the marching of soldiers as well.

My eyes widen, and I gaze behind me.

~Commodus's carriage~

The horses roared and huffed, wildly shaking their heads as they made it through the entrance of the village. They sharply halted to a stop, a good yard or two in front of me. The rest of the townspeople gathered out of their houses, watching with curiosity as we all witness the door of the carriage open, revealing the emperor himself.

I froze....

My mind racing with terror...

What is he doing here...?

The mayor finally had the courage to greet the man, giving him a bow before speaking." Great emperor" he says,"what do we have the honor of having your presence here in the town?"

"Good day sir" Commodus says politely, giving the man a friendly smile.


He opened the back part of his carriage, and him, along with his soldiers, proceeded to take out large boxes of supplies.




Everyone was shocked, their eyes wider than mine. The men gave everyone a box, giving them friendly smiles." I heard of your shortages for the winter" Commodus explains to the mayor, everyone listening to his words,
"So I brought you some things to help, I hope this is enough to sustain you for the unforgiving weather".

"S-sir!" The mayor beams," you have saved us! How can we ever thank you!!!"

The man lunges forward,embracing Commodus in a hug. He hugs back, giving the mayor, who was now weeping at this point, comforting pats on the back.

Am I Not Merciful? Commodus x Reader/ Main CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now