5 - Getting to Know You

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We finally had a day off and the gang decided to grab brunch then check out Stone Mountain park. Darnell's boyfriend had flown up for the weekend so Z was flying solo. After the hike up the mountain I offered to take her to the movies.

"Is this a pity date?" She laughed.

"Beggars can't be choosers!" I retorted.

We grabbed the requisite popcorn and candy. Surprisingly no one had recognized Z, considering her huge social media fan base. She did a good job of trying to look nondescript but her beauty shone through to me. We choose seats in the back, just in case. We played tug-a-war with the popcorn and eventually Z snuggled in next to my shoulder. If only this was a real date.

We hung out again for lunch the next day. I choose a local restaurant that had a special Vegan menu. I liked to do my research and surprise her with new things.

After we got our dessert Z started back up with questions. "So what happened with you and Elle?"

"Honestly, it was me." A frown ghosted her face.

"Don't look at me like that, it was nothing torrid! The distance and my schedule really did us in. I stopped putting in the effort. I learned that lesson the hard way and I won't make that mistake again."

"If that's the only reason you guys aren't together why not give it another chance?"

"I think that was the cause of the issues, but it really was for the best. I discovered what I want from a relationship and what I need to do to keep it."

"What about you? What happened with Trevor and why the secrecy?"

"Trevor and I started dating when I was 16. At first it was secret to protect my image. As time went on I just wanted to keep the relationship between us. Our friends and families knew of course."

"That seems like a hard choice."

"Yes and no. It did cause issues from time to time. Also, when we would break up and get back together, no one was there to add in their two cents."

"So you guys were off and on?"

"To him yes, I found out after we broke up for good, he had cheated. Several times actually." She took a breath, "He was first relationship, first everything, which maybe is why I ignored the signs something wasn't right."


"But it's water under the bridge now. I'm focusing on my career and finding things that make me happy."

"I get that. Elle and I were together for about 4 years too. While I missed her, it forced me to figure out how to be on my own."

Z picked up her glass of lemonade, "To the future!"

I clinked my beer to her glass, "To the future!"

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