11 - The secret's out?

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The next few weeks fly by as we try our best to keep our relationship to ourselves.  I'm pretty sure Darnell knows.  He and Harrison have been having suspicious conversions whenever Z and I hang out. 

We're still not sure if we should tell our friends.  I understand Z's hesitancy, she's been burned before and that's a hard thing to get over.  Also, we've both recently gotten out of long term relationships so there will be concerns from family and friends over us rushing into another committed relationship.  I'm starting to understand why Z likes to kept things private, but remembering not to be affectionate towards her in public not been without its challenges.

As Z's wrap date approaches we decide to tell Darnell, Harrison, Jacob and Harry.  Sam had to head pack to England but Harry stayed behind.  Everyone is in the living room under the guise of a Halo tournament. I take one last deep breath as we get ready to pop the bubble we've been living in.

"Hi guys!" I try to say cheerfully.  Z looks slightly concerned, she can tell I'm nervous.  I walk towards the loveseat where she's saving me a spot.

"Z and I have something to tell you guys...." I give her a quick glance. "We're together.  Actually it's been a few weeks, but we wanted to let you know but also, we want to keep it private."  There's silence.

"I need the exact date!"  Harrison demands.

"Uh, the day you guys went out to the club." I stumble.

"I knew it! Pay up Darnell!" Harrison dances around.

"Man...here you go."  Darnell hands Harrison a twenty.

"You guys were betting on us?" Z asks shocked.

"It's been obvious since shooting started." Jacob says matter of factly.

"I just assumed y'all were together!" Harry added.

"Well, I guess we're done with the announcements for the evening. Let's get the gaming started."  I tell the group.  Harry and Harrison are up first.  The only change is that I pull Z to my shoulder and play with her soft curls as we watch boys duke it out.  I catch Darnell smiling at us and he mouths "I told you so!"

We steal a moment together to take a walk outside. Knowing we only have a couple of days left is eating away at me but I try not to let it show.

"You can stop pretending." Z tells me as brings our walk to a halt.

"What are you talking about?"  I ask nonchalantly.

"Tom come on! I'm leaving in two days.  I won't see you for weeks.  It sucks!" She says loudly.  Not quite yelling but very annoyed.  I make a mental note that Z has a bit of a temper.  It's kinda of hot actually.  Then I notice her narrow her eyes at me.

"I know.  I wish I could change that.  I'm scared I'm going to mess this up."

"You won't. I won't let you." Z pulls me into a tight hug.  "We have a lifetime ahead of us."

I hug her tighter.  This will be first real test of our journey and I am ready to tackle it head on.

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