8 - Elephant in the Room

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Time was flying by and Zendaya would be wrapping soon.  I still wasn't sure how she felt about me.  I know it was risky but I needed to know, I needed to try.

I was getting ready for our weekly movie night when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hi Z! Come in." I greeted her. "Where's D?"

"He said he couldn't take another sleep over." she giggled, "Where is everyone?"

"Good question." I wondered. "Harrison!" I shouted. There was no answer so I called him,  "Where are you?" 

"Still with the guys on set, they were finishing a scene then grabbing bite to eat, maybe hit up a club."

"What about the movie?"

"Shit I forgot.  Damn, I don't think Laura texted Z either.  We can head over in a bit or you can meet us out."

"Don't change your plans. I'll text you later."

"So apparently the guys are still on set, then they are headed out to dinner when they finish.  If you want to go meet them I'll let Harrison know.  I'm not up for it."

Z pondered for a minute, "I'd rather stay here and watch the movie.  If that's ok with you?"  I could feel the smile spread across my face.

"Go get comfy and I'll order the pizza.  You can just use my room."

I watch as she disappeared down the hallway.  Shaking myself back into the present, I called her favorite pizza place and ordered their vegetarian special and a meat lovers for me.
Z came back into the kitchen wearing a short tank top with equally short shorts.  I groaned and went to pull out the movie snacks.  We popped popcorn and got the candy ready.

"So m'lady what movie shall we watch tonight?"

"How about The Incredibles?  I love animated movies."

"Sounds good..." I said staring into her hazel eyes. I moved a piece of hair out of her face. A slight gasp escaped her lips and sent the blood in head straight to my dick. My fingers grazed her cheek and she leaned in.  The moment came to an end when the door bell rang.  I cleared my throat and went to collect the pizza.

We settled on the couch with our pizza and started the movie.

"I'm glad you stayed." I said as putting down my plate.

"Me too." Z sighed and snuggled under the blankets.  Things between us were almost back to normal.  There were still moments of awkwardness whenever we were alone together.  My walls would immediately go up, but that did not deter her.  She kept trying to push her way past them.

About mid-way through the movie she paused it.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing the look of concentration on her face.

"We need to talk."

"Umm, sure, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong.  I feel like we're avoiding the elephant in the room."

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"I like you. I'm pretty sure you like me too. So are we going to do this or not?" She spewed out.

I was so shocked, I didn't even realize I hadn't responded until I see Z scoot away and scurry down the hall to my room.  I quickly snap out of my surprise and chase after her.  She doesn't see me come in.  As I watch her gather her things, I close the door and lock it.  Now or never I think to myself.

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