Dork pt.1

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𝑀𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸 𝒻𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁

"Appa, when are you gonna get here? I wanna here the music now!" Jeongguk's voice screamed through the phone, even though he can't see me I nod and smile.

"I'm leaving right now, can you wait five more minutes?"

"Uh Uh appa come quickly," he's impatient I understand but tiles take time to save. Then I have to lock up and it'll take a while.

"So three minutes tops got it, " I hear a small grumble then the line goes dead. I smile at his love for music and quickly run down the stairs.

I finally make it way out the building and to Seokjin's car. Jeonggukk is standing outside tapping his foot angrily. I can't help but smile he's too cute.

I pick him up and pamper him in kisses but no change to his sharp glare. I strap him around and make my way to the passenger seat. "Why do angry bun?"

"That took more than three minutes and we are already late, I started ten minutes ago" his head is thrown back into the seat his arms fly up, then they cover his eyes.

"I'm sorry I had to work,"

"We only have three minutes now," for some reason minutes are hours and hours are days. I will never understand.

Seokjin pulls out of the parking lot and down the street until we make it to the music festival. It's not far away like a ten minute drive but to Jeongguk it took forever. By tonight he'll sleep like a baby.


"You hungry bun?" Jeongukk nods furiously his mouth hanging open when he sees what booth they stop at. "Have a seat on the bench, don't move" NamJoon gestures over bench right across from them.

After a minute or two Jeongukk gets bored of playing with his balloons and gets up. He follows the sound of the beat until he stops at a booth with two men working. One is working at a computer which is used to control the music playing and the other is writing a music sheet.

Quietly sneaking into the booth Jeongukk speaks. "My appa uses those! He says music is the way to life," both men jump and the one writing sets down his pencil and turns to the boy.

"Wow-" The boy gasp looking a the man "you're so pretty!" The man's face is red but quickly recovers.

"Well you're very cute yourself," He smile, pinching the boys cheek who giggles. Eyes turning into crescents.

"I get it from my appa,"

"Where is your appa? Shouldn't you be with him?" He frowns his brows looking worried when realization hits him the boy is alone.

The boys eyes widen and he starts breathing quickly, eyes glossed with tears. "He told me to wait, I didn't listen, I'm sorry!"

"Hey what's you're name? I'm Yoongi, calm down and I'll help you find your appa," he grabs his hand and they walk out the booth.

Yoongi learns the Boyd name is Jeongukk and he was meant to be waiting by a hotteok stand. He is four, loves music and art, has a dog. And his father is a single father.

After following the the path Jeongukk says he came from, getting some drinks and a few more CDs they heard a voice calling out for Jeongukk.

"That's my Appa! That's my appa!" He smiles clutching his bottle of water. Though Jeongukk wanted a sweet drink Yoongi didn't know if the kid had any allergies or what restrictions he had. So water was best.

"Jeongukk thank god I found you, where did you go I was worried sick," NamJoon is kneeling down hugging his child who he just found.

"I'm sorry appa, I was sitting and heard music and then I wasn't here no more!" I'm sorry," he's close to tears again but NamJoon just laughs.

"I'm not mad bun, Oh, Hello I'm NamJoon, thank you for finding my son, I hope he wasn't any trouble," He Bows and looks up- well down at the man who brought his son.

"Yoongi and he more found me, he was so well behaved, I was shocked he's only four. Though a little chatty he was sweet,"

"How chatty?"

"Just that you can't trust people who don't like music, and you know just normal child type of chatty," He didn't want to speak about him being a single father because it's none of his business.

"Appa he's so pretty right?! His music is pretty too! Can I get a CD? Please I'll be good I promise!" NamJoon looks at the man

"How much is a CD?" Yoongi doesn't know why. If it was sympathy for being a single dad (which was something he didn't care about), love for kids, or how cute NamJoon was that made him do what he did.

"Since I'm feeling generous, it's free," He smiles and points back to his booth. NamJoon eyes widen and refuses to take it for free. They get to the booth and he hands him the CD and a small plushie for Jeongukk.

"Listen you're cute, you're son's cute, and I'm not in it for the money, so take it," The other mans eye when he hears Yoongi's words, it's been ages since he heard him call someone cute or give someone that look.


"You're into him!" Hoseok yells when I enters our shared flat. I send him a glare, the best one I could muster.

"I'm not into him..."

"Bullshit, you just came back from a date with a love sick grin on your face,"

"It was his way of thanking me for finding Jeongukk,"

"That was the third time he took you out to 'thank you' for returning Jungkook"


"I beat my whole dick y'all will be dying by the end of next month"

"I've taken bigger shots than your dick!"

"You would know wouldn't you?"

The night went on with us ending it drinking coffee and talking about how I'm highkey in love with NamJoon because who the fuck isnt? He's literally the most talented, adorable, soft, clumsy, hot, sweet, caring person ever and hell if Hoseok was in love with him I'd be pissed but I'd understand.

Namjoon is a dork and I love him

I'm driving off to sleep replaying what happened tonight between NamJoon and I ask Hoseok screams.

"Hyung there's a bug in the bathroom! I'm peeing kill it!"

"Kill it with your dick bastard!"

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