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In which Yoongi was said to have "raped" his teacher when it was the opposite and NamJoon is there to prove otherwise.

Kinda long

I try to block out the words. The words other people say about me. I hate them. It hates what happened. I hate that they "gave me time off to cope" I hate it all. They could care less about what happened to me. It's their reputation they care about.

'I can't believe he raped Ms. Song'
I didn't

'Isn't he gay? Can he even stay in the guys' dorms?"
I am. I can

'He doesn't look like the type are you sure?'
I'm not

'I knew something was up. He was always staying after class,'
Math was never my strong suit.

"Min Yoongi!" I jump at the voice. The halls are crowded I mean who can blame them. Some kid is found naked unconscious and bloody in the lady's house after haven gone missing. Then you find out he's a rapist. Funny how people believe anything women say. "Yoongi, they let you out?" My friend Jungkook asks. He examines my body for any wounds that aren't treated.

"I'm fine," he shakes his head and with a sigh, he bends down to me. I hop on his back. My hood is pulled up and I try to ignore the people.

"Well, I know for a fact that the case isn't closed. You could have died..." Jungkook's roommate says, setting a bowl of "homemade" ramen in front of me. I thank him with a smile before digging in.

"Hmmm, Hyung...your brother is in this case right?" The guy thinks, nods then looks to me. "Says he knows you. Know a Kim NamJoon?"

A choke on the ramen. While some slips down my throat the other pieces fly out my mouth. Jungkook hands me some water and napkins. "K-Kim NamJoon? Tall, dark, and handsome? Smart as hell? Lanky?" He nods again.

"Oh fuck," the words leave verbally leave my thoughts.

"We don't have any girls around if you wanna stay there while you have 'time to cope' I already asked both my brothers, there fine with'll be out past break right?" I nod. The boys in front of me exchange glances before giggling.


"They don't want me here long...I should get my things." I give them a small smile before getting up. "It's already at my place. Hoseok went home with his boyfriend and we did t think you'd be our before break.." Jungkook rambles. "I don't know why so many kids are here before the break. Exams got canceled after...ya know?"

The house isn't small. But it's not too large. There are four bedrooms. No basement or attic. The kitchen and dining area are connected but separated by a change in flooring. The living area is very homey.

"It's not the same as my old place but it's home," NamJoon says sheepishly. Grabbing at the back of his neck.

"You're old place was shit," I mumble into my jacket. He smiles showing off his dimples and eye smile.

"You've met Taehyung...our oldest brother Seokjin is still at work. He'll be home soon. Please make yourself at home," I nod trying my best not to smile up at him. Oh- the kids' name is Taehyung.

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