Epik High

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In which one NamJoon takes Yoongi to see his idol but it turns out NamJoon was his idol all along.

"You wanna take him on a date? Why are you asking me?" Taehyung asked once he swallowed his food. I bite my lip.

"You're his best friend, if you think we won't make a good match then I won't ask him out!" I have to stop myself from rambling.

"Hyung, you're stupid. Ask him out, I don't care," he said. He doesn't care? When Baekhyun asked him out he almost killed him.

"Hyung, you are as innocent as Yoongi, I know your feelings are genuine. And I may happen to know he wouldn't mind dating you. So where are you taking him?"

I rush to pull out the tickets for the concert I'm taking him to- or I want to take him to. "He likes Epik High  right? I think he does, I may not be sure though? He doesn't like them? Oh my god, he's gonna ha-"

"He loves them, they are his favorite."
Weight is lifted off my chest when he says that. But it's all pushed back down when I see Yoongi coming our way. I straighten my chest and swallow hard.

"I'd say act as you normally do but..." I hit his shoulder and he walks off.

"Where is Taehyung going?" He sits down next to me and picks off my tray.

"No hello?"

"Hello Joonie, Where is he going?"

"Friend rolls."

"Ah...What were you guys talking about?" I shift in my spot and he sends me a confused look.

"I-I wanted to know if you'd go out with me! IT DOesnt have to be date. I mean I'd love for it be one But if you don't want to then it doesn't have to be! Ah uh I'd take you to Epik High's concert next week end! I really like them and I know uh I think you like them as well so I though that'd be a good idea, unless you don't want to date me!" He kisses my cheek and hold my hand.

"1- clam down Joon, 2- Why the hell would I not want to go out with you? 3- what time should I pick you up?"

"Uh I know I don't have a drivers license but please just one try? I've been practicing,"


"Why are you nervous? I thought you guys were dating since I first met you,"

"But we weren't and this is our first date. Do people even go on dates anymore?"

"Not really no."

"Oh my god!"

"NamJoon calm down he's obviously wants to go on the date. And a concert is better than the movies. Oh next time take him to the fair or carnival. Those are the same thing right? Anyway he'll love it promise. I know you guys."

I quickly hang up the phone and hurry up and fix my outfit. I didn't know if I should eat before or after the concert so I planned a small snack before and then dinner after. I hope I make it to the dinner.

The doorbell rings and my Hyung seokjin comes in and starts talking about all the rules in his car. "No alcoholic drinks, no smoking, no speeding, no adjusting the mirrors, no sex and no!" I stop him there and leave out the house. I had to stop him before he got to something I wanted to do in it like listen to music or have Yoongi in it.


The music played through the stadium as we jumped and rapped along. He was so tiny that is be easy to lose him in the crowd, But he pretty much stayed in the same spot.

"Are you enjoying it Hyung?" He turns towards me and smiles. I wanna kiss him, He looks ethereal. Everything about him. It's kinda not so he sweating but damn he even looks beautiful even like that.
Even when he's not smiling. Or laughing. Or jumping. Rapping along. Just standing there being Yoongi.

The concert came to and end soon sadly. I wished it would have lasted longer, though I spent most the time looking at Yoongi.

"Hyung you never told me about how you felt?"

"I loved it NamJoon, I got to go to my favorites one artists' concert with my idol. I don't think it can get much better than this." He stop on his tippy toes and kissed my cheek. I almost die there and the.


"NamJoon. You. Are. My. Idol. Thank. You. For. Taking. Me . Out." Every word he planted a kiss on every other cheek. Then the last one on my lips.

Oh. My God, my first kiss. Min Yoongi-The Min Yoongi. I'm gonna lose it. "Please be my boyfriend" I bow blurting out.

"I thought that's what yes meant."

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