Chapter 5

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I got up extremely early in the morning and Jennie was still asleep so I decided to go out for a long jog.

I was passing by the cemetery so I decided to visit my parents and talk to them even if i know that I won't get a reply

I bought some flowers and candles that were sold outside the cemetery and went to their tomb

I place a pot of roses beside mom's and a pot of orchids for dad. It was their favorite flowers.

I still remembered arranging roses and orchids in one vase for the dinning room table once and my parents loved the combination

I lit the candles and sat on the grassy ground

"Hey mom, hey dad. It's me....Y/n. I miss you guys so much, both of you are so unfair" i said while tears formed in my eyes

"Why did you leave me? You should've just took me with you" i continued as tears started to drop

"I'm starting a new life but I don't know if it'll be the same without you guys" I said now bursting into a fit of tears

"Auntie, Jennie and Solar are taking great care of me. But i will always miss the care you guys have shown me" i said and wiped a tear

"Mom, Dad. I hope you can see me now. I'm not the chubby naive girl anymore. I've grown and i know that you would've been proud" i said lightly smiling as i caressed their tomb stones

"Mom, you would've told me that i have finally became a lady... and dad, you would've said that I'm strong" i said and closed my eyes

"But i'm not... I'm not strong... not without you guys here with me. You were my strength yet you left me" I said and bursted out crying

"But I'll try... I'll be strong for the both of you. I won't let anyone break me again" I said and stood up

"I'll be back again soon" i said and walked away.

When i was about 15 meters away I noticed a grave stone that looked old...

It was a boy's grave and it read Kim T-  the rest of the writing wasn't visible anymore but the date of birth and death was.

I was shocked when i noticed that he died when he was my age, what a tragedy

I then slowly walked away but not before I took a second look at the grave of the boy.

Somehow i feel like there's something about it that I can't put my finger on

But that wasn't important soI just shoved that thought at the back of my head and continued walking

I was cooking in the kitchen when i heard footsteps coming down.

"Food~" Jennie sang and i just giggled

"Hungry?" I asked her and stacked the last pancake

"Very" she replied and i served her a plate of pancakes along with toasted bread with strawberry jam and iced tea

"Thanks, couz" she said and ate. I wasn't hungry so i decided to go to my room.

As i sat on my desk I can't help but notice the small velvet box on the side

I opened it and there it was...

The other half of the necklace I gave Jimin on our first anniversary

I was about to cry but then i remembered that he's not worth my tears

I took a bath and dressed up and asked Jennie if she wanted to go to the gym and she said yes

After a quick car drive we stopped infront of a gym that i once worked at the front desk.

We got inside and went to the front desk and that was when I saw my old colleague

"Good morning early birds, how may I help you?" Irene asked with a smile

How i missed her jolly personality

"Is the Gym open?" I asked because it's still 8 am and the gym opens at 9 am

"It opens at 9 am, miss. But you can go ahead..." she started and as she was about to say the remaining info i cut her off and continued it myself

"there are also other services we have like Yoga and alot more. If you need a trainer we also have them but they would be here around 10 am. So please do enjoy working out at our gym" I continued and she was speechless

"How did you?" She asked with wide eyes

"Oh come on, Irene. Am i really that easy to forget?" I asked with a soft giggle and that is when it hit her.

"Oh my gosh! Y/n!" She shouted and went around the desk to hug me

"Where the hell have you been!? I was worried sick!" She said almost in the verge of tears.

Irene had always been like an older sister to me for years and i was sad when I haven't talked to her about what happened and just left.

"I'm sorry, Irene. It won't happen again" I said and laughed to lighten the mood

"Heck yeah it won't" she said and narrowed her eyes at me

"So, mind introducing me to your friend?" She asked and then that is when i remembered Jennie was with me

"Oh yeah, this is my cousin Jennie that I've told you about" i said and they both smiled at each other

"It's nice to finally meet you" Irene said with a smile

"Likewise" Jennie replied with a soft giggle

"My, my. Y/n is that you?" A voice said and i recognized it right away

"Jeonghan?" Both me and Jennie asked at the same time

"The one and only, and it looks like you ditched your sweater, sweat pant and glasses" he said and smiled.

Solar insisted that my eyes weren't damaged so she took them. Quiet sad, i like those glasses

"And it looks like you cut your hair" I said stating the obvious

"It suits you, you look amazing" Jennie said and that earned a smirk from me

"And you look hot as usual" Jeonghan replied with a wink

I saw a shade of pink pass by Jennie's cheeks.

I sense something fishy.  ಠ_ಠ

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