Harvard university

17 0 0

Based in the future:3039 the year
My name is Imogen and I am 17 years old. I go to Harvard university in America. However most of my family live in Norway so I feel a little lost in such a big school.
Anyway most people don't really like a nerd like me. I mean in my opinion I don't really feel like I am a nerd as I do struggle with maths and English a little. Everyone does I just don't understand why some people can't accept this. It has been 0.1296453 seconds since I started to write this,Ok I mean maybe I am a little bit nerdy. But what does this matter it's not like I want or need a boyfriend or anything as I can look after myself more easily then I believe anyone else can.

At the moment whilst I am going to school  in America I am staying with my dads ex-girlfriend as she is a family friend of ours and lives near Harvard. She is not like anyone else in the world in fact she is quite bizarre but don't get me wrong she is kind,gentle, and caring. The lady keeps three ,star nose moles which are so cute but odd and one very rare pangolin. I don't think many people have those as pets. She looks after them as if they are her children. She gets up at 3 am every morning to feed and nurture the pangolin. I personally think it's a bit weird which is mostly the reason I don't invite friends around to the house as they would probably think I am crazy. If I was to invite anyone over to this house I would have to take them to the exquisite garden band stand that is all made of white and golden coloured marble with bright green vines with little blue and pink flower twisting up the pillars. I love to stand there looking over into the rippling water in front of me just thinking about life.The only problem is whilst I live hear I have no hope of getting any friends.

This is my back ground story so what about my life at school and my family back in Norway.

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