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Glow woman wasn't that type of woman who cooks and cleans. She has people doing that for her. She wouldn't go around doing the chores in the house just to impress. She doesn't have time for that because she has to always look beautiful for the camera. She has everything but the only thing missing is a man and the best idea of the time is to grab a married man. She continued her back and forth for some time and finally started staying in the house permanently. At least my sister had moved out so it wouldn't be a problem at all.

But you may say, isn't she uncomfortable leaving the comfort of a home and coming to stay with a married man.  I don't think she was uncomfortable, she was actually happy trying to make friends with everybody in the house including me, can you imagine. Maybe she felt lonely in her own home. But making friends with me? Surely she knew who I was, that I'm the sister of the woman she snatched her husband from because the kids resemble me a lot that people outside the family think I'm their older sister and not their aunty but she didn't care about that. All she wanted was to get the attention and love from the kids so that the kids can lead her to the heart of their grandmother because the kids are quite close to their grandmother. She was trying to impress the kids and I by bring us expensive gifts, driving us to school and at times coming for us and because she is a movie star she will be feeling herself around the school and I on the other hand was trying to hide my face in school already and look at what you've caused woman. Now more attention is going to be on the kids and I. I just didn't like this.

I remember she was came for our opening day (opening day is when parents and guardians come to to the school to look through our books to see our academic progress in school) and almost the whole school was following her. Students who have never spoken to me started speaking to me and trust me I didn't like the attention at all.

She was actually playing the stepmother pretty well but I still didn't like her. I just coludnt bring myself to knowing that she's with my sister's husband and staying in their home, a home my sister put her all in to create. At times I felt she was a witch. I kept thinking how the kids felt about all these occurrences. They would sometimes stare at her for long  that she didn't even understand why they stare at her that long. They sometimes would stand at the end of the stairs just to watch her climb to their dad's room. She would wake up early in the morning to come and help me dress up the kids for school whenever she was around.  I didn't mind because I actually needed the help although I didn't want to open up to her. It was a little comforting that she would come and help and make little conversations with me. She was the only woman who came to help with the kids out of the many their dad brought home. She would ask me questions but I act as if I didn't hear hear her. I know it was rude but I didn't know how to express myself or react to her and i didnt want to open my mouth if not only dirty words are going to come out of it and I didn't want to get too attached to her.

She didn't have any problem being close to me. I felt she actually saw me as a younger sister, always asking questions about myself, wanting to know more about me, thing I like and don't like, the course I would read when I get to high school and when I would be going to school. I answered her questions just to shut her up but she wouldn't, such a troublesome woman isn't she. She would sometime crack jokes for me to laugh but I didn't see anything funny in them. She was quite jovial but NO, if I get drawn into her jokes I would begin to like her and I didn't want to get to that destination. I felt it would be a betrayal to my sister because she and her husband haven't divorced yet and you this lady had moved into their home. I wanted her to feel bad about all this and that was exactly what I was doing to her.

In order to play the good stepmother, should take the kids out to have fun. She would take them to the park, the pool, to the mall and buy everything they want for them and occasionally take them to the movies on weekends. She was trying to act as the mother then and queen mother didn't have any problem with it although she didn't like her. She said it herself and I quote, "she thinks she doing all these for my grandchildren will make me feel differently about her." Well that's queen mother for you. Always the proud woman.

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