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Miss beautiful would greet her golden boy's mother and she wouldn't respond. She would occasionally help with her hair and after she would just get up and leave without a thank you. Really, queen mother is a very proud one. But miss beautiful didn't care. She had a vision and it was to get the golden boy to herself no matter what and the best way was to be accepted in the hearts of the mother and the kids to get to their father. Golden boy didn't really like the kids and she was trying to get them closer to him and u think she help. She would take them to their dad's room to play with them and even gave them her iPad to them.

She was gradually winning the kids hearts but not their grandmother's. She had to in any way but how was she going to when the woman doesn't even look at her in passing. She was as hard as diamond. Then, the idea came that she should be taking queen mother out too, maybe to places she hadn't been before because she likes enjoyment and fun. But not only her, the kids and golden boy too.

Meanwhile, my sister had gotten back on her feet although it was difficult for her to. Nothing stopped her from making life better for herself and the kids. And to show the woman and his son that she can live without their wealth and wanted to go overseas to make a living and come back for her kids. And so she came to the house with elderly people from our family to ask for divorce from dear husband but his mother said she won't allow it. But why? She had allowed another woman to stay in their home and she was saying she won't allow her son to give my sister a divorce, really. This woman was making this issue a big deal although it was a simple problem that could be solve easily. She's no more with tour son, upon all the verbal and physical assaults, pointing gun at her and even try choking her to death, all these deeds and you still by your son and you still want her to stay, no, it's not happening. Never again. You this woman didn't even like my sister in the first place. So why now. Was she trying to act all affectionate in front of the elderly people she brought? She should have shown concern when the problems started. She should have given a helping hand but she didn't because she felt it wasn't necessary. That it wasn't her fault her son is behaving that way but if she had raised her son  well all these wouldn't have happened that was why he was behaving like a spoilt little brat.

This was going to be a court case and eventually nana hemaa (queen mother) gave in although she was trying to make some connection  which didn't work, my sister's divorce papers were signed and she was able to go in peace. But even on the day she was leaving golden boy called her so many times to the extents that she had to block him. He didn't want her anymore so why is it that now she is free from all the bondage he is calling. He's seen that now she can live without him and can make life meaningful for herself. She left and a few months later I also left for high school. But when I came back for vacation I heard a lot of bad and good news. A lot of breakup and quarrel stories.  But who said if he didn't treat the one he put the ring on her finger well, he's going to treat you well. He's going to be the same no matter who the woman is. But miss beautiful is a very persistent woman. She never gives up. She comes back to beg even if she's not at fault whenever they quarreled. And I think that was nice of her. And she started showing husband some bad habits. They started smoking together. We could smell cigarette smoke coming from their window any time they were around. And still queen mother didn't have anything to say about his son's new found habit. Smoking. He never smoked when my sister was with him. He wouldn't even think of it but now it has become his daily bread.

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