"Nightmare?. Don't Worry Your Father's Gotcha!"

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"You killed all of us!!"

Peter woke up with a gasp. Dad... Dad... he needed his father!. He began to sob."I.. I gotta find.. Tony"He quickly opened the door with trembling hands, And stepped out, into the abandoned hallway. He was shivering since it was a winter's night. But all he cared Now is finding his dad.

He managed to get to the genius's door, And knocked. After a couple minutes the door opened, revealing an almost tired looking scientist."Peter!??"seeing his son, his Eyes widened."kiddo, I told You, You can come in anytime. No need to knock"Tony mumbled.

The already scared Spiderling started to cry. He reached out with trembling hands. He wanted Tony Now. If not Now, then when??.
Tony immediately pulled his kid in for a hug. "Sh.. sh.. it's ok. I'm here. I'm here And I gotcha"Tony whispered softly as he ran his hand along the Young Spider's hair.

"can.. can I stay with You?"Peter Asked, his voice full of hope."Of Course"Tony helped his kid in And got into bed after him. But Peter didn't like the emptiness, so he clinched onto the genius. Tony, clearly knowing what's wrong, pulled the kid in."Care to tell Me what's wrong Bambino?"he Asked.

"Nightmare"was all Peter got out before he was pushed into another fit of sobs."hey.. it's ok. I'm here. Sweetheart I won't leave"Tony soothed."They were all so mean!"He cried, smashing his head against his father's chest. "Nightmares are mean Kiddo that's the way it is. But don't worry, I gotcha"Tony sighed.

The Spiderling whimpered, making the elder's heart break.
"You won't leave Me right?"He Asked desperately trying to hang onto his mentor."I won't. I would never leave You. Calm down baby"Tony whispered, cupping Peter's cheeks with his hand.

"Now sleep"he said, Whipping the younger one's tears with his thumb. The Spiderling snuggled his head into the cruck of the billionaire's neck."I love You dad"Peter murmured, half asleep."love You too sweetheart" Tony's heart melted away at the sight of his child. He wanted to help.

He wanted to take all his pain Away."Can you.. can you sing?"Tony almost laughed at that idea of a fifteen year old asking for songs, but he didn't, knowing that his kid needed him."sure Bambino"he agreed. Peter closed his Eyes, satisfied.

"Always be by My side..."

"Always be My spark..."

"I know it's hard, And I know that you're trying..."

"So don't fall back, cause I need You by My side.."

"Hmm... Always by My side.."

"Hmm... I.. I need You.."

"Never let go cause I'm fighting for you..."

"No matter what I always need You.."

"And I... I.. love you to the moon And back"

And even before the end of it, the Spiderling fell into a sweet, peaceful sleep on his father's chest."Goodnight baby"The genius placed a gentle, but warm kiss on his son's cheek before falling asleep, huddled together, forever by eachother's sides.

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