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Hey guys! So this is a Graphic warning ⚠️ for this chapter! It is not as bad as the last one because Amy (in this book) is not sure what she is capable of. Mark (In this book) is more experienced when it comes to hurting others. For Amy this is graphic!
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Amy's pov

"I still want to see him," I said sitting on the bed.

"No, I don't want you to see that side of me," Mark said was getting dressed.

"I know you have killed, it's not a secret."

He let out a huge sigh.

"Mark, how come you get to take your anger out on him but I can't? I was the one who carried our child, I was the one who was shot! And don't tell me because I am a lady we know that is bullshit."

He finished tying his tie then gave me a kiss on the head and left the room.

"It's not fair!" I called out to him.

I know he is not coming back, he has a meeting on finding the sniper.

"Knock, knock." It was from Carl.

"Come on in, I am dressed."

He walked in.

"How are you, Miss. Amy?"

"Angry, I want to go see this monster who stole my child."

"The only way for that to happen is if he is moved from the torture room."

"Mark still will not let that happen."

"We will find a way for you to cope with this."

"I like my idea better."

He gave me a soft smile then left the room.

Could I do it? Could I break the only rule Mark set of not going down those steps?

I walked out of the room down the steps to the main level. I heard Mark's voice in the meeting room. He sounds pissed. I kept walking to the steps.

Should I do this? I need the answers, just ask him why he did it and then run back up the steps. That can work. I looked around to see if anyone noticed me, nope, no one is around. I rushed down the steps.

This floor is dark and very cold. I walked down the hall peeking into each door, halfway down the hall I found it.

"Well, well, well, look who they let out of her room." A man tied to the wall said as I walked in.

"Who are you?" I made my voice strong.

"Geza Ford."

I felt my blood boil.

"You, you are the monster who stole my child from me."

"You did your research."

"Why did you do it?" I walked closer to him.

"I did you a favor, now you can leave this lifestyle and the real monster."

"I am not leaving my family you asshole."

"Did you really think it would work? Raising a child here with Mark. He is never around as it is, you will be the one who takes care of the child."

"You don't know what you are talking about." I barked at him.

"I know more then you think."

"The only reason you hate him is because your son can't read, if he would have stayed out of the testing area he would still be alive."

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