Chapter 3: Foreign Feeling

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(Third Person Point of View)

"So... Here we are.. The dragon's nest."
Reon smashed the heavy silence as they all stood, gaping at the big, dark cave in front of them.

They could all hear the scream of the dragon, followed by a screeching girl as well, saying 'IWAAAAAA-CHAAAAAN!!!!!'

"Okay, let's get this shit done."
Shirabu contemplated and proceeded to enter the cave when Tendou stopped him.

"We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves and walk in like some sheep walking into the wolf's lair defenseless. We need to strategize."

Semi opened his mouth to speak, but found no words to tell.

Ushijima patted Semi and Shirabu's backs.
"Mages are known for their strategic tactics after all."

Tendou continued.
"Guardians are built for their heavy armor and stamina. Reon will be in charge of defense, and therefore, will enter first. Given his current stats, he should be able to defend himself from a fire ball. Shirabu is a Bard, which are known for their power boosts, barriers as well as small power beams using music. Shirabu will be both offense and defense. Creating barriers as well as powering up your teammates. If you deem everything is well, switch to offense and focus your music to the dragon."

Reon and Shirabu were rendered speechless, but nodded to what Tendou was saying.

"Assassins are known for their 'stab in the back' offense. Using this knowledge, Semi will have to enter the lair unseen and therefore must be concealed, away from the group. Semi is obviously an offense, but from a farther distance, at that. Enemies shouldn't be able to detect your techniques."

Semi just smiled knowingly and gave Tendou a thumbs-up.

"Goshiki, as well as Semi, will attack at long range, but from separate positions. At this time, Archers are always the people who are brought down first, and as a party, we shouldn't let Goshiki die. Archers are useless at short-ranged attacks so we will cover up Goshiki to the best we can."

"Yes, Tendou-san! Thank you!"
Goshiki saluted and Tendou smiled back at him.

"Mages, me, are both defense and offense, aiding the Bard as well as the other classes. I can put up a defense and an offense tactic simultaneously so you don't need to worry about me."

Ushijima patted Tendou's head, saying,
"We are of the same party. It's our job to worry about you. Especially me."

After an awkward cough, Tendou continued speaking.
"Swordsmen are always offense and defense. And I don't need to explain furthermore since Wakatoshi-kun already knows what he's going to do."

Tendou winked at him. In an instant, Ushijima felt like his legs were made of jelly.

"We are entering through a diamond position. Semisemi, you find your own route, okay? And don't die on me."

"Pah!" Semi smacked Tendou's head. "I won't. You too, Tendou. I still have a story to tell."

"We will follow this strategy in every battle we take. Is that alright with all of you?"
Ushijima asks, finally standing up.

"Of course! Since Tendou-san made it especially for us!"
Goshiki smiled widely.

Tendou felt a foreign feeling.

Reon was prepared to go in first. Shirabu in his right, and Tendou was on his left. Goshiki was at the back, and Ushijima was in their middle. Semi didn't go at the same entrance, and made his own way inside.

The screeching of 'IWA-CHAN' was becoming more prominent.

To make a long battle scenario short, Semi landed the final blow. And Iwaizumi's troublesome wife was hugging Tendou.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Thank you! Thank you!"
The wife was filling Tendou's cape with soot.

They all went outside, and Ushijima cut the dragon's head, placing it in the cave's mouth as proof of their teamwork and accomplishment.

"May I fucking ask," Tendou faced the wife. "What the hell are you doing inside a dragon's nest?"

"W-Well, Dragons have big eggs, don't you think? And I wanted to cook the best and biggest egg for Iwa-chan!"

"Bitch that's not your task!" Semi groaned.

Tendou facepalmed. Bokuto was right. "You know what? You're pretty."


"Yeah, pretty stupid. Listen, mate. Don't do such reckless things again. Your 'Iwa-chan' is about to divorce you, you know."

"About that..."

"What now?"

"I forgot the route back home!" She scratched the back of her head. "Can you take me back to Iwa-chan? Pretty please?"

"oh dear lord. That Iwaizumi guy must hold a lot of patience dealing with this stupid-ass girl. He's remarkable." Tendou mumbled quietly, but loud enough for Ushijima to hear, causing him to smile a bit. Just a little bit.

Shirabu gaped, and elbowed Semi.
"Holy fuck, bleach my eyes. I think I just saw Ushijima smiling."

Reon was squeezing his eyes, but was smiling afterwards.
"Tendou must put some kind of magic on him for Ushijima to be acting like that. But for the brighter side, obviously."

Goshiki was holding in muffled screams.

Of course, Ushijima and Tendou didn't hear all that because they were busy dealing with the pretty stupid girl.

Tendou felt a warm feeling. What was this foreign feeling? It feels nice. Having friends to depend upon, and someone you, yourself could depend upon.

Was this foreign feeling called friendship?

Tendou smiled. He was finally free from the imprisonment of solitude.

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