Chapter 40

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My knees buckled and I fell on the floor, panting. He raised my chin using his index finger.

"Can you now feel the difference?" My eyes stared at his lips and unconsciously licked mine.

The lights suddenly went out, I waited for my eyes to adjust at the darkness when a hand grabbed my nape and lips were on mine. I gasped and he took the opportunity to put his tongue in. I moaned and my mind went haywire, unable to think properly. My hands wrapped around his nape and kissed him back just as hungrily.

He made me get up and lead my legs to straddle him. Something burn within me as our bodies touched. He carried me up to I don't know where. He carried me with one hand and opened a door, closed it and locked it. He pinned me up against the cold-tiled wall. Shower room. He did all that without breaking contact. The lights went back on and we parted.

Our foreheads touched, as we pant from our heated kiss. That was some daaamn kiss I never thought I'd have. I kept my eyes down, and watched my hand rise and fall at the rythm of his chest. I slowly looked up and our eyes met, and that was enough to start our bodies burning again. His head dipped to kiss my neck as he thrusted at the same time. I moaned and clutched his hair and the other scratching his bare back.

He continued humping me against the wall and my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. I gasped in pleasure when his palms massaged my aching breasts.

"Aaah, there!" I hold on to him when he hit the spot.

"Yeol-ah~ Faster!" I cried out and he humped me harder and faster, satisfying me. I didn't even care how my back hurt as it keeps on hitting the wall as he rammed his clothed erect length against mine.

A breathy exhale escaped my mouth when his hand found itself underneath my shirt, going in my bra. Flesh to flesh.

"Close your mouth, you're drooling." He smirked and I was pulled out from my trance. I'm still standing in between his legs. My knees gave up and he caught me.

"Penny for your thoughts? I like the way you breathe, how flushed you look and what made you drool. Makes me wonder what you're thinking when your mind drifted away from your body." Where the fuck did my mind take me? What was that?

"You're out of it again" he caressed my cheek. I blushed.

"Nothing. Just sleepy." I cleared my throat and mived away from him.

"Hellllooo? Anybody hooome?" We both snapped our head to our closed door. Someone's home.

"Put a shirt on! I glared when he walked to the door." He glanced at me and cocked a brow.

"And if I don't?" He crossed his arms

"Anyone? Chanyeol oppa?" I knew it. My bitch radar never failed.

"Then I can go down in just my underwear too." I bravely put my shirt up to remove it when he yanked it down. A glare adorning his handsome face. Why do I want to anger him more?

"Stay there." He sat me down in bed and put on short pants and shirt. I smiled discreetly.

He went out ahead and I was left there smiling triumphantly but then frowned. What happened earlier? Come to think of it, it's on a different setting. The bed was low to the ground, the shower room is a bit smaller than what we have here... it looked like the one I have at home. My eyes widened. What is this? Am I wanting to take him home. I shook my head and remembered the bitch that arrived. My yoda's in danger!

I quickly ran down the stares just in time for me to see her straddling yoda who's on the floor. My blood boiled.

"Andwaae!" I dramatically ran and pushed her, making her squeal and pushed yoda too.

"Oh, I thought you squished a lizard. I swear I saw its tail" I shrugged. Chaeyoung glared at me and chanyeol gave me a questioning look.

"Nevermind then." I stood up and put a hand on my hips. Chanyeol stood up as well and stared at me, like he's reading me. Our eye contact broke when we hear a moan. I glared at the culprit and she looked pitifully on her ankle.

"You ok?" Chanyeol helped her up but she limped. He caught her before she  hits the ground. His arm around her waist and the other on her forearm. My eye twitched seeing her hand on his chest.

"Oh my, you must've twisted your ankle." I pushed chanyeol out of the way and supported her instead.

"I.. I don't think you can carry me rosé-ssi." I looked at her in a straight face

"Who says I'm carrying you? You only injured one foot. The other can walk. Now move." She had no choice but to walk to the sofa cooperatively, if she doesn't want to get dragged on the sofa.

"I'll get some ice." Chanyeol left and the biatch has the audacity to push me.

"I'm ok now. You can go." You ain't getting rid of me.

"I wanna watch some tv."

"Rosé-ssi." I raised a brow at her tone.

"Yes chayoung-ssi?" I answered sweetly, I even batted my eyelashes.

"Yah you!" She stood up and pointed a finger at me.

"You're not supposed to be home! Shouldn't you be with jisoo unnie?" So she planned to have yoda for herself?

"As you can see, no I'm not." I rolled eyes.

"I've got the ice!" Yoda walked towards us and she immediately sat back down.

"I don't think you need it." I stood up.

"What?" He tilted his head and I accidentally kicked chaeyoung's right foot.

"Ouch! Yah!" She stood up and put her weight on her left.

"That hurt!" Chanyeol immediately came to her aid

"Your limp was on the left. If you're gonna act, atleast be consistent." I walked away when she grabbed some ice cubes and threw it on my way

"Omomomo!" I slipped on one and I closed my eyes for impact. I might break my nose. But landed on something soft.

I opened my eyes and found myself lips to lips with chanyeol. I hear chaeyoung squeal in anger and stomped away to her room. I sat up and blushed, he too has a blush creeping on his cheeks.

"Omo! Are you ok?" I touched the back of his head when he groaned.

"Lying on some ice aren't that comfy." I stood up when I felt a stinging pain on my ankle. Damn it. Karma's a bitch.

"Hold on tight." He carried me like a princess to our room and all I could do was stare at him. My arm is on his nape and the other played with my lips. My first kiss.

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