Bad dreams

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Faith's Point of View

I woke up screaming. Falling asleep, I had finally been at peace, and I had drifted off to the rhythm of Jerome's heartbeat.

 The dream had started out fine, Jerome and I were on a date at a fancy restaurant that I don't remember the name to. I was wearing a sparkly silver dress that ended mid-thigh. My hair was in a fancy updo, and I was actually wearing some makeup. Jerome looked fine as hell. He had combed his hair neatly and was wearing a black suit. We were laughing over dinner, I had a salad, him a steak. My body wasn't emaciated, it was full of life, and I looked beautiful, actually beautiful for once. Then, like a movie, the music stopped playing, and there was silence all around. Jerome didn't seem to notice that the once laughing people surrounding us had been turned to bloody corpses, but I did. 

Then came in Hugo Strange, followed by Ethel Peabody. He strode right over to us and sat down in an empty chair. He smiled at me.

"So, you think you can just leave? Hmmm?" He asked while grabbing my water and drinking it. He clucked his tongue as he shook his head. "There are consequences for misbehavior, you should have learned that by now Faith." He nodded at someone behind me, and arms wrapped around me, keeping me in place. Jerome was still talking to me, but his voice was muted. Then he grabbed Jerome's face. He took out a knife and began to cut into Jerome's soft pale skin. Blood gushed down his face, but Jerome paid it no mind, and still talked and laughed at me. I screamed at him to stop, but that made him laugh and cut deeper, harder, and faster. Then he cut a smile into Jerome's face, before slashing his throat. Strange took my empty water glass, and put it under his throat, filling it with warm blood. He took a sip.

"Your boyfriend is delicious." He said, licking his lips. "Why don't you try some?" He proceeded to force the cup into my mouth, and the hot thick blood filled my mouth. The person who was holding me pinched my nose, forcing me to swallow the blood of my love. I chocked on it, and gurgled, trying to scream, but it was to no avail. The Strange took the same knife he had used to kill the love of my life and brought it to my throat.

That's when Jerome shook me awake. He held me close and rocked back and forth until I had calmed down enough to breath normally.  He didn't make me say anything, he just stared into my eyes, and what felt like my very soul. I gave him a shaky smile, and kissed him. 

"You want to talk about it babe?" he asked me as he rubbed circles on my back. I swallowed.

"Maybe in a little bit, I'm still scared."

"I am right here, don't you dare be scared. Do you wanna go get some food? You're so skinny, baby." I wrapped my arms around myself self-consciously and nodded my head. He proceeded to pick me up bridal style, and walked me down the hall, into the dining room. After plopping me down on a chair, he walked into the adjoining kitchen. (Quick note, I don't really remember any details about Theo's house so this is all from me) He dug around in the kitchen until he found some cereal. I inhaled a whole bowl, and he smiled at me while I did. I asked for another, and after that, I patted my swollen stomach. He laughed and brought out a special treat. A dark chocolate bar! I grabbed it eagerly and went over to the garbage with the wrapper, instead of throwing the empty package in there, I threw the bar. I fell to my knees, it had landed in a pile of something slimy.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen!" I cried, throwing my hand over my forehead and fainting into Jerome's arms. He caught me easily and looked into the trash. He laughed.

"It's a dropped chocolate bar, stop being dramatic." He got up and grabbed me another one which I ate. I kissed his cheek, leaving chocolate on it, which I proceeded to lick off.  He smiled, and at that moment, Greenwood happened to walk in, leering at me. 

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