Mask girl

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Omm finished his morning work...

He is really tensed and restless after know about gauri... He want to find her ASAP...

On the other hand he is confused to the people's behavior around him....
It has been one day after he came back... But still he didn't meet his brothers... Where are they?? Why they not come to meet him?

He went to meet his father but he is busy in some work...
Then he call randhir and wait in his room...

Randhir enter...

"Kuwarsa..I mean ommkara... Did you call me"

Randhir said while Bowed his head....

Ommkara stood up from bed...

"Yes... Did you remember randhir... When we are kids... How we went out from this palace to meet gauri"

Ommkara said.... Randhir see him with confusion and concern.. He know gauri is so important for him... He remember how ommkara and he change their looks and went out... He smile a little...

"Yes ommkara "

"Then get ready... We are going out from this Palace without anyone's notice"

Ommkara said... Randhir got shock..



"But why ommkara"

Omm sigh... His is sad...

"Because I want to search my gauri."

Ommkara sadly reply... He really don't know why he felt all this... He have other friends too... But he never felt this much worried for them..
His thoughts broke when randhir spoke..

"But kuwarsa... Trust me... I am still searching gauri with the help of our agents... And it's not safe for you to went out without security"

Randhir said worried....
Ommkara got angry...

"What the hell is going on randhir... Why all are worried for my safety.. Who is going to attack me... Who is my enemy... And that too in my kingdom... Could you please explain"

Omm shout... His eyes red in anger which make randhir shiver in his spine...

He quickly lower his head... And said...

"I am sorry kuwarsa... I can't tell you anything... Maharaja told you everything when he is free... And I am your bodyguard... Your safety is my first priority"

Ommkara sigh and try to calm himself...

"I am sorry randhir to shout on you... But I want to know everything... What is bothering all of you... OK.... Dad is busy and he will free in the afternoon... We will return till then"

Ommkara said..

"But kuwarsa... Without security.. "

"You are come with me and this is enough OK"

"But "

"This is your kuwarsa order"

Ommkara said strictly... At last randhir agree to him...



That mask girl reach a place which is inside the thik forest...

There is a cave.... And a lake is near to the cave...

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