The War Begins

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This morning didn't bring any good news for anyone..
Not for ommkara... and not for the kingdom...

They heard the news that ajya and abhya are already reach to the border of the kingdom...
They have to be prepare for the war as Soon as possible...

Ommkara heard the news that chadrapur king is coming to ommkara kingdom with all his force to help them...
But the bad news is princess ishana was also coming with him...

Because the king want their marriage soon...he is confident that they definitely win this war and after that ommkara and ishana marriage will take place immediately....

Though ommkara want some time but he have no option....he have to agree with everything what the chandrapur king said because right now he need his help...

On the other side the mask gang was fully prepared for the war..
Though gauri was disturb because of her feelings... but she composed herself to save the kingdom...


The king arrive with his force and princess ishana....
She is wearing a brown colour lehenga and heavy jewelry...
Her face cover with veil...

Shakti, ommkara and all the people welcome them wholeheartedly....

Shakti introduce ommkara and ishana...they just greet each other formally....due to the veil ommkara didn't see her face...

Shakti take the best preparation for the princess... and give all the responsibility to durga and priyanka to take care of princess...

Ishana went to her room with her female servant...
Gauri and Priyanka was also went with her....
While the king attend the assembly with shakti, ommkara and others...


The servants are settling ishana stuffs...
Gauri and Priyanka was helping them....
Gauri was sad... but she is trying to be  happy after saw ishana...
She is so beautiful... perfect for ommkara and this kingdom...

"What's your name"

Ishana ask gauri...


Gauri reply with a smile...

"Ohh... nice to meet you...I heard a lot about you... you are really brave.... you save kunwar ommkara life...I should thank you for this"

She said with a smile... gauri smile back...

"It's my duty princess... you should take rest...we have to go for the preparation.... and don't worry I am always here in your service"

Gauri said politely...
Here Priyanka was totally shocked to see gauri behavior...
She was not sure but she felt that gauri had feelings for ommkara...

"I know and thanks again"

Ishana said...
Gauri and Priyanka bow their head and about to go...

"Durga...armm..I want to talk to you... alone"

Ishana said... and gauri could feel the hesitation and nervousness in her voice...

Priyanka and others are left the room...

"Yes princess...tell me"

Gauri said...
Ishana sit on bed and sigh...

"How was ommkara...I mean what kind of person he is...I know it's useless to talk about it... Because no matter what we are going to marry... but still I want to know about him... can you please tell me if you know anything"

Ishana ask..
Gauri was a little surprised..
But then she realized she was right...
Most of the princess married due to deals.... and it's common that she had doubts...she had fears..

Gauri smile...

"Don't worry princess....kunwar ommkara is the best person I ever saw"

She turn to other side and continue while lost in her Dreamland....

"He is so caring...he had no fear..he is brave...he never disrespect anyone...he care for others feeling...he never thought anyone was low in front of him...he had no ego as a prince...he always love his people and protect them... and
As a husband...
I am sure that he will be the best husband...he surely give so much love to his life partner"

Gauri still lost..
While ishana watching her shocked...
How she knows this much about the prince..
She can see the different types of emotions on gauri face when she talk about ommkara...

Finally gauri come out of sense...
She realized what she was saying...

"Armm...I mean don't worry princess... you will be happy with him"

She try to cover...
Ishana smile and nodded...

"Thanks Durga"

"You are welcome I have to go"

Gauri leave from there...
Ishana still has some doubts..


Shakti,chadrapur king, ommkara,randhir,sardar, gauri, Priyanka and all the mask gang are ready to go for the war..
Because ajya and abhya already attack the kingdom...

Randhir , Shakti and sardar was ready to fight with abhya..
While ommkara, the king and gauri is going to fight with ajya and the gang... Priyanka is stay at the palace to protect the princess and people....

They plan to separate abhya and ajya with their respective force...then it's easy to win the war....

Then all went to face the war after doing pooja...


At the border of the kingdom...

They reach there...
Randhir warn ajya on behalf of the king... but he mock at them..

Them ommkara send a warrior for peace but ajya was not listening...
Ommkara had tried his best to stop this war.... because war only cause of destruction....
But no use...

At last the war begin....

Precap: ommkara find his gauri.. but....

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