who is she?

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zainabAzh for you....

here is the next chappy...



Ommkara is still holding her in his arms....
Both are lost in each other...

Finally gauri come out from her Dreamland and try to stood up...
But ommkara was still lost....

"Ku-kunwarsa.... leave...me"

She said...
Her voice was not clear...
Because she is controlling her emotions...her feelings for him..

Ommkara come out of sense and saw their position...
He quickly stood up and leave her... but still mezmoris to her beauty....

Gauri stood and look down to hide her tears....
Ommkara still looking at her...

"I- I need to go"

She said still looking at the floor...
She can't stood there....
In front of his gaze....


He quickly ask..

"Kunwarsa... you won and see my face...now let me go"

"That's I am asking...why? Why you want to go? Why you are hiding from everyone"

He ask...he want to know the reason why she is hiding...

"You will know the reason soon"

She said.

"And when the time comes?"

"I don't.... don't know"

She finally look at him...
And he noticed her glossy eyes...
Which is shining in the lamp lights.....

Ommkara was confused...is she crying.... but why...did he do something wrong...

"Why... you are crying....if it's because of me... that I saw your face without your willing...then I am sorry...I never........"

Ommkara try to apologise.. feeling bad to see her tears....

"No kunwarsa.... please don't say sorry.... you have no fault... you didn't broke any rules....I....I just want to go"

She said wiping her tears which is threatened to flow....
Ommkara never imagine that this brave girl was so emotional....so sensitive
But he is still confused...

"But...why you are crying'

He again ask.... don't know why ...he is feeling restless to see her tear....

She didn't say anything...just looking down....

He don't know what had happened...why she suddenly behaving like this....

But he don't want to ask her again and again...he know there is something wrong and she don't want to share with him...
Though he want to know but he have no rights to ask....

He silently took her dupatta from floor and give it to her ... gauri take it...
But at that time ommkara notice something...

"Hey.... what happened to your palm...why it have scares"

He noticed her burn scares palm..
Gauri wore the dupatta.....

"I asked something to you"

Ommkara ask.

Gauri didn't say anything...
But then...

"I am also a victim in this kingdom"

Gauri said.. lost in thought...
Ommkara didn't understand clearly...

THE KING OF LOVE AND THE QUEEN OF WAR (SS) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now