meeting her

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Hi lovelies....


"you can come out now...who ever you are...I want to see who have this much courage to enter in my room without my permission"

Ommkara said folding his hand on his chest.... scanning every corner of the room....try to find that culprit....

Gauri who hide behind a Piller get shock to hear this means he caught her.... what to do now...
There is no way to escape now....

"I am warning you... come in front of me quickly.... otherwise it's not good for you"

Ommkara warn...
Gauri is in delima...what to do now....
She have to go in front of him...

She slowly come out from the pillar....
Ommkara hear her anklets sound and turn to his right...he know it's a girl.. and somewhere in his heart he guess that it's the same mask girl... don't know how....

She slowly walk towards him with baby step...

First ommkara see her beautiful feet.... and those anklets which disturbing him.....

 and those anklets which disturbing him

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She come near him more....
She is a worrier.... but don't know why she is feeling so nervous to go near him...she is holding her both hands together to control herself from shaking....

Ommkara's eyes travel upside and he see her beautiful hands... which is shaking...he smile to see her nervousness.....

he smile to see her nervousness

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She stood in front of him....
Gulp her saliva....
Ommkara look up but his face fall...
He got disappointed....
He expected to see her face but he is not that much lucky...
Her face cover with veil....

Her face cover with veil

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THE KING OF LOVE AND THE QUEEN OF WAR (SS) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now