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Ommkara reach to the palace...
He quickly lift gauri in his arms and run inside....


Here Shakti,chandrapur king(let's give him a name rajeswar)
And all are still confused and shock to ommkara behavior..
They want to follow him but they have to sort out everything here..

They sent all the injured people for treatment including randhir...

Shakti was hurt...
But he manage and order to take ajya's dead body to palace..
No matter what he is a prince so he want to do his last rituals like a prince....
It's getting dark now...
But they still have lots of work..


Here ommkara is shouting to call the baidh(doctor)

Priyanka get shock to see her friend like this...
She run to ommkara who is holding her...

Ommkara said her to call baidh..
Priyanka nodded and ordered the servants...
She about to go to the servant quarter...
But ommkara take gauri to his room..

Usually all the injured people get treat in servant quarter or in the baidh's house...
No one servant treated in a prince room ever...
But ommkara take her to his room..

Priyanka follow him with baidh ji and some servant...

Ommkara lay her blood cover body on his bed...

"Baidh ji please do something...
Please save her...she is bleeding..
She is not listening to me... please do something"

He plead
Pain is clearly visible from his eyes...he looks scared...
Priyanka was also worried for her friend.. but she got shock to see his behavior....
Is he also have feelings for gauri? She thought...

Baidh and some of his team members started gauri's treatment....
Ommkara was desperately looking towards them ...
He still stood near her..

Due to the noise princess ishana was also came in his room with some of her servants to know what was going on....

She saw gauri was laying on his bed... injured and unconscious....

"OMG .... what was happens with her...is she ok"

Ishana ask but no one is giving answers because all are busy...

One of the baidh comes to ommkara...

"Kunwarsa...we have to treat you too... you have also injuries"

He said..

"Just stop it and treat her...I am fine...I am not going to die"

Ommkara shout on him...

Ishana see he is injured from head to toe...
Blood was flowing from his forehead,arms... but he didn't care..
He is continuously looking at gauri.... with an emotions that she didn't understand...

"Kunwar ommkara... please take the treatment.. otherwise you will  fall  sick"

Ishana said but ommkara was not listening to her...

"Kunwarsa... please leave...we have to treat her..."

The baidh said...

"I am not going anywhere to leave my gauri"

Ommkara said.

Ishana was shock to hear "my gauri" from him...
And she is durga..then why he called her gauri...she is already confused and this incident increase her doubts and confusion...

THE KING OF LOVE AND THE QUEEN OF WAR (SS) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now