What type of parents are you?

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Edit: Grammar/ rewriting / changed alphabetical order
*currently don't have the full set of character*
*replaced Iida with Tokoyami*
This is the only one I hadn't rewritten, if I use she/her pronouns I am so sorry. I'm honestly exhausting at this point and am only coping and pasting.

Bakugou katsuki

First of all he was thrilled that not only his wife was calling him daddy, but now he was gonna have his own kid calling him that.
He was relaxed and chill with the pregnancy
You both where trying to have a baby
You both weren't shocked by the news and you where both prepared for the upcoming tasks of parenthood

Fumikage Tokoyami

"WHAT THE FUCK, PULL OUT GAME WEAK" you screamed as you read the results, waving the stick around at your husband
"W E A K" you repeated throwing the stick at him

"Oh shit" he said
"OH SHIT IS RIGHT" you yelled

You both where chill parents, you knew what you where doing even tho you didn't
and you wouldn't let them do any illegal shit
You guys ate chicken nuggets each Friday night and you rarely got in fights with your kid.

Kirishima Eijirou

This fucker made Dad jokes 24/7
You punched him in the stomach one time when he made a inappropriate joke about daddy's and sex
Kiri is more of the fun and chill dad
When you where more the steady and strict parent
You didn't want anything to happen to your baby but you still let them have fun
Sometimes you would wake up to your husband and child jumping on the bed yelling something about breakfast
Those where the best days

Kaminari Denki

Jesus Christ was this man a child
You literally felt like you where watching the both of them
And kaminari was trying to teach your 2 year old how to flirt
What was wrong with this man
You yelled at them both a lot but you couldn't help but love the both of them

Midoriya Izuku

He is the one that is scared for the kid all the time, always praying he doesn't mess things up, after a few years his fears soon settled down as he becames more confident with his parenting

You are the one that is well prepared and isn't afraid to learn from your mistakes
One time you forgot you had a child and went out to get grocery's, half way threw your trip you flipped out and you didn't tell Izuku anything.
(Ayyyy lying to your s/o isn't that fun)

Todoroki Shoto

Shoto was panicking, you came to him with the news
You where a crying mess as you didn't know what to do or if you guys where even ready for a child
You both where winded up with your hero work so you didn't want the baby to grow up without parents

Shoto calmed down a bit after as he wasn't scared anymore and that he wanted to take this next step with you
He had to calm you down a lot as you didn't even know if you would make a great mother

You soon figured it out together

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