In the army's red hallway

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As Tom walked in the base, he could feel all the stares from all the soldiers. He was the only one without the uniform after all. Out of nowhere, one woman came up to him. Her dark brown hair was shaved on one side and put in a tidy army bun. She had wide shoulders and wide hips but a smalish waist. Her uniform was like any other. "Who are you? And how did you get in here? Answer" she said in a serious tone while her grip on her gun, witch was atatched to her belt, thighten. "oh i'm tommy, i'm a new recruite here and kinda lost." Tom said in a panic while punching himself in his mind for not saying a better name. She looked at him for a moment. "ugh, why am I always stuck taking care of the new recruites, and why did they had to bring them in today, on a fricking monday" she talked out loud to herself, then turned to Tom again and looked at this sweather up and down. "you do know sweathers are stricktly against the rules of the Red Leader, he would shoot you in the foot if he was here right now. I should report you to him" with that, tom looked at her suprised and panicked inside even more. He did want to see Tord, but Tom was not ready right now, he didnt even have a plan, because getting in the base so soon was not what Tom expected. Not getting an answear from the man again she spoke again "Meantion of the Red Leader must of scared you, huh? You havent even seen him yet, now that, that will send shivers down your spine. He is a heartless, souless devil in human form, with no fear, and only two emotions: Anger and satisfaction. The look in his eyes scares even the most powerful and important humans in the world, like the Queen of england and presidents of big states. Imagine disapointing him. But he is a good leader, even if extreamly strickt". Tom still didnt knew who that Red Leader dude was, but he was sure, that he wouldnt want to cross him. "I am sergant major, Navy. Im some of the first people who joined the red army. I am the head of strategies departmen and sometimes help out with the newbies, like yourself. You are lucky im here, I will make an exeption and cut you some slack, but be ready and prepare yourself for tommorow when The Red Leader comes back from his trip and gives a speach also reviewing all of you and putting you in a department" with that she turns and starts to leave, but Tom snaps back from his thoughts and runs after her "Hey wait!" she truns around as he catches up to her. "I kinda need your help. I did say i'm lost. Plus I dont have my uniform" he speaks finaly after catching his breath. She looks at him, not wanting to deal with this right now, lets out a sigh "Did you not get a unifrom and a tour of the base when they brought you here?" "umm... no actualy..." tom is starting to realy get into the roll as a new soldier in the army. Navy looks at the cloock on her wrist "fiiine. Im not doing anything so I guess I can spare you some time till lunch. And I will have to talk to Max after, for leting you slide off like that." Tom smiles 'How dumb are Tord's sildiers? When ill get a uniform, I will fit right in and no one will suspect me' he thought as they started walking.

As they entered the uniform department, they were greated with a hello and a wave form another woman with a silver nametag, that read "Silvia". 'huh, that's ironic' tom thought. But he did noice that silver nametags were more common, so maybe only more important people get the golden one?. He was driffting of again, as the two girls spoke "so you need a new, private's uniform, right now?" "correct, this one didnt get his" "Uniforms can't be done in a second and we have already sent out all the new uniforms to the sleeping quaters" annoyiance was heard from Silvia "then think of something! And think to whom and how you speak, or youll get a third strike and be shot in that empty head of yours" "yes, ma'm" She sais sadly and continuose "there has to be a spare one". With that, after thinking and searching for a minute in the room with red walls and black floor, Silvia pulls out a Red army unifor from a dusty box in the back. "see, you can be useful if you try. You, private, go put it on." Navy points at Tom. He nods, takes the uniform and was about to ask silvia where to change, when a hand, pulling on his hoodie, stops him. He turns around and sees that it is Navy stoping him, with an unsatysfied look "I know you are new here private, but amry maners are common logic. Here, you salute after getting an order, and if a persone has a golden name pin, you addres them by ma'm or sir, exept The Red Leader, you adress him as 'Red Leader, sir'. Understood?" Tom nods. With that Navy leaves and the brit, lead by Silvia, goes to change into the army uniform.

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