Deal with the Devil

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|Hey all, i'm back!|

[Toms p.o.v]
I have been in this stupid cell for two days. When I closed my eyes and tryed to fall asleep, I could hear the prison door open, followed by foot steps. I decided to pretend to sleep. Then, two quiet voices were heard near, one of with familiar norwegian accent "How is he? Is he dead? I told you to keep him alive." "N-no sir, h-he is just sleeping, Red Leader sir" "Good, because if he dies, you will be no more alive than he will. Did you give him food?" "No sir, you told us to never feed priso-" the second guy was cut of, whith what sounded like a punsh. "Bring him food. Now." "Y-yes, Red Leader s-sir" "And also, don't let him know he is getting different treatment from other prisoners." "Yes sir." As one pair of foot steps faded, new ones became louder. "I knew I would find you here sir" "Ah, Paul, good to see you" "Guess you finally got what you wanted" "Yes, but Tom took all the fun, of catching him, away from me. Who knew he would just wonder off into my base." There was a small silent. Shivers went down my spine. Then Tord started talking again. Guess he doesnt know I can hear him. "I think I will release him today to wander in the base, that cell doesnt seem very comfy, and that idiot guard has not even fed him" "How do you know he will aggree to your deal? And not just take a gun, shoot you and escape." "He cares about his two friends too much, he wouldnt risk Edd's and Matt's lives. He will aggree." "Something tells me you care too much as well" A giggle can be heard after that sentance "Paul, just because you are my right hand and a good friend, doesnt mean I wont shoot you in the foot" "Sorry sorry, sir". I could hear the two pair of foot steps fade. I sat up against the wall and tried to process what just happend. What is Tord's deal? What does he mean by 'he wouldnt risk Edd's and Matt's lives'? This whole situacion seemed pretty hopeless to me, but he did say he will let me out today. Then I heard foot steps again, but decided to continue sitting. It was the guard, and he was carrying a tray with food. "You have woken up, good" He opend my cell and left the tray on the floor. "Eat up" While he was locking me up, I remembered what I just heard and wanted to mess a little bit with the guard. "Food? Since when do they feed prisoners? Or is this poisened?" "We feed all the prisoners." "But I havent seen a single tray with food here" "Then you were sleeping when I fed them." I decide to cut the dude some slack and leave him alone. I think he is already stressed from getting a punch from the 'great' Red Leader. I started to eat. The food was the same as from the dinning hall.

[Tord's p.o.v]
When I came back from seeing how Tom is, I started on my pile of paper work. Hours pased and the only thing on my mind was Tom. I missed the old days, when we would just chill, chat amd fight. I know that things can't go back to normal, but it never stops me from missing his company. Another hour has passed and I am going crazy, from thoughts that he is sitting there, in the dark uncomffortable lonely cell. But I can't let him out still, I have to finish all this paper work, and only then I can start to work on where he will stay and who will guard him so he wouldnt do anything stupid, and also the deal. Ghh. But... who said he has to stay in the cell? Just what if I let him hang out in here, in my office, while everything is done. Stupid idea I know, but I miss my old friend's company...
With that I drop my pen on the table and head out for the prison. I keep getting salute after a salute on the way there. I do love what I have built here, perfection, obideance, loyalty, no emotions, but it does get boring sometimes. As I enter the prison, I order the guard to give me the keys to Tom's cell. After a minute of walking, jahovahs' cell comes to my vision. Not a nice sight as he is just sitting there in the dark with a black face, lost in thoughts.

[No ones p.o.v]
Tom is snapped back from his thoughts as commie opened the cell. "Oh the great Red Leader himself came to visit. What is the special ocassion? My death day?" "Your sarcasm is stupid as always. Get up, you are going with me" "What if I don't wanna?" "Get up!" "Make me!" as Tord entered the cell, Tom was prepared for a good old boxing match, but commie just grabed Tom by the uniform's sleave with his robotic hand and started to drag him in the direction of his office. Tom was suprised to not get even a single punsh. He was also suprised by the red, metalic arm. The brit just went wherever Tord was taking him. As they passed the main hall, Tom saw Navy, her eyes wide at the scene. She was so conffused. No one knew that Tom was locked up, no one knew he was not one of them, and no one knew, why the Red Leader was dragging a newbie by the sleave.

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