In the training grounds

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Tom, or now as called by people in the amry, Tommy, was woken up by someone in the hallway of the sleeping quoters, shouting "Wake up soldiers! Our Red Leader is coming back today from the main base in the Norway, and he did not sound happy! Lets show him that we are at our best like always!" a familiar voice it was, but sill, Tom did not like to be woken up at 5am. 'Right, I have to deal with that today'. The brit then dressend up in the blue and red army uniform, that he stared to get used to fast, and headed for breakfast.

There, in the dinning hall, Tom again sat with Navy and the others. "So, if I may ask, what do I do?" she looks at him annoyed a little bit "I am not your secretary, but nothing for now realy, maybe go check all the departments and get aquainted. When The Red Leader will come back today, he will say in what department you will be and thats what you will do everyday from then". Tom thinks for a while 'working the same job everyday? Kinda boring, isint it?' but he is fast to shake that thought away 'stop joking, you are not realy in the army, just get revenge on that bastard, and if youll live, you will leave the army and get back to Edd and Matt. Everything will be back to the way they were, before commie'. "okey, thanks" The brit says to Navy and gets back to his food.

For a little bit, Tom was just walking around the base and followed Navy's tip. But then he heard and anouncment "This is Max speaking, head of the training's deparment. All new recruits are order by the Red Leader to go the the training grounds and prepare to be tested" the anouncment repeated, but Tom heard it clearly the first time "Did he came back already?" Jahovahs witness thought out loud not expecting a reaply "No, but he will soon. The Leader gave orders through the radio" a passing souldier answered. Good thing Tom explored the base more than once, because now he knew where to go. The training grounds were a simple so called 'indoor field'. It was like an outdoor place with no roof, grass for black floor and walls as big as inside.

When he came to the training grounds, there was already some of the new recruits there, but only a few. Was that all of them? They were just talking about why they are here and what departments they want to end up. But on the other side of the training grounds, in front of big closed doors, there were people, with golden and silver pins on their uniform, standing in a line. The brit also saw some familiar faces, like Navy, Silvia and Marco. They all must be department heads. Then... Tom felt shivers go down his spine and the bad gut feeling return, and seconds later the big closed doors opened with a slam as Tord himself entered the grounds, followed by two men, one tall, with long hair and the other shorter with huge eyebrows and a cig in his teeth. Tom froze as commie walked with his head high and an unreadable, covered in scars face, a normal arm and a robot one at his sides and a red hoodie poking from under the blue coat. When he stopped and set his foot down loudly enough to hear, everyone stood straight and saluted him. The Brit followed them quickly, to not stand out, and stood in the very back, behind everyone. But he knew, that it is only be mater of time till Tord saw Tom walking around in his own base, but he will try to stay low for as long as he possibly can, and when the time comes, he will try his best, to end commie once and for all. "Hello new recruits. I am The Red Leader. Welcome to my red army. Now you will be tested if you have what I want to be here. If not, you will be shot, and if you survive, you will be put in a department you will work in. Basic rules of the army are simple, you now work for me in the red amry, so do as I say, and follow given orders. And when you will work in your department, you will have to do the best you can and more everyday for the sake of the amry. If you fail or disobey, you will get a strike, three strikes, you will get shot. If you betray the army, you betray me, and I do not handle it lighly." his rough voice with an accent ecoed. You can see all the newbies standing frightened, but not Tom. As Tord continued to talk, now about the test, Tom's eye cought a pair of sunglasses laying on the grass near him 'someone must of forgoten them', then an idea came to the eyeless man's head. He quickly took the galsses, put them on and then spit in his and tried to fix his hair to stay down. Maybe hopefuly that way the commie bastard will not recognise him. He then continued to listed to information about the test. It was a siple one: people will be paired in two and will fight eachother while the Leader observes.

Everyone was sorted, but Tom. There was no one left to be his partner. Red Leader thought for a moment, said something quietly, then snapped his hingers infront of one of the man that walked in with him, the one with the big eyebrows, and pointed at Tom. The birt's heart dropped as the man started to walk towards him, but to his suprise, eyebrow's quest was not to bring Tom to Tord, "guess you will be working with me for now. Im Paul." Paul said as he stood in a fighting position. 'So thats Paul.' Tom thought. "Im Tommy". And the test began, everyone was easy fighting eachother, then, later one, a gun shot was heard. It echoed. A guy, right next to Tom and Paul, was shot. Everyone stopped, but the Brit. He did not want to be next. Even Paul was suprised. The test continued. And again, another shot, and another.

When The Leader stopped the test by putting his hand in the air, there were three dead bodies covored in blood. And Tord's voice was heard again, "Now, you will be sorted in your departments. Stand in one line in front of the table, there" as he pointed, a group of 'yes Red Leader' was heard. "Very good job Tommy. I have not seen such a though newbie in a very long time, since The Red Leader acualy. Good luck, and see ya around" "Thanks" Tom was suorised at the comment, but didnt think much of it, to not get lost in his mind again, and walked to the line. Jahovahs witness was the last one. As he came closer to the table, he saw commie's boring face change to a wide grin. "Oh, Tommy, was it. Im impessed. Heard from Paul you are a though one, arent you. I think you will do good in Fighting department, we could use someone like you in the front lines." with that, he hands Tom a silver pin with 'Tommy' on it. As he walked away, the brit saw that the grounds were almost empty, but as he was about to head for the exit, Tom felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Navy. "Good job. You even impressed The Red Leader!Not many can handle Paul most get shot because they look bad compared to him." "Realy? Thanks." "I have work to do now, so see ya at lunch?" "Yeah". The woman waved as ran of. Now, the training grounds were fully empty, as everyone was heading to lunch. But when Tom turn to the exit again, he head a voice, that sent shivers down his spine, as it was unexepted, "Going off so fast? Thought we could catch up, old firiend" before Tom could react, he was tackled down to the grownd, a strong force pinning him down. The sunglasse cracked and fell off, and the hair was all messy again. As he opened his eyes, they where met with two other, very familiar eyes. It was Tord. "Do you realy think i'm that tullete, Thomas? I know everything that goes down in my base, doesnt matter if im here, or on the othere side of the planet fighting." Tom just stayed quiet while pinned to the ground, looking into commies eyes, while Tord talked mixed english and norwegian like old times, not knowing what to do. Tord was always the stongest out of the four friends. Commie just continued after the silent pause "you know, I realy am suprised. You got in my base, you blended in, and you even fought just as good as my most trusted soldier". Another silent pause. Tom wanted to spit at Tord, how stupid and weak his army is, but he didnt. "So this is your so called 'make it in the big city?'". Now Tord was the one who didnt answere, suprised at the comment, "Leaving and betraing you friends, for what? For this! Was it even worth it? Was it worth destroying trust and relacionship with your only friends? Your only true, real, best friends?" "Yes it was!" and angry shout escaped Tord. Silent. "heh, and I thought back then, that we realy were friends, and started to get along, and that you accualy liked me- Nevermind! You fuck. You left without an explinationou, you made Edd and Matt fricking sad as hell, and then you came back, out of no where, and fucking blew our hous, bettraid us and left again, for this fucking amry! I guess I realy am not your fucking friend." Tom yealed with endless anger. Tord just stayed there, listening, with a neutral face, hiding every little bit of emotion, sad or happy, "why, why did you come here?", "To kill you, you fucking commie. For everything that you have done, so I can finaly be at peace and Edd and Matt can leave the past behind, so it could be like the old times, the good times, before you came". Tord felt a cold breaze go through him, as those words left Tom's mouth. Commie did not even knew be can feal this way, but he could not let it show, so he just shook the thought off, he already choose his path many years ago. So Tord just put on a fake smirk "well jahovhas witness, sorry to ruin your plans, but that will not work. I am a dictatord, I am the Red Leader of an Amry that will soon take over the whole world. Do you realy thin you could kill me." "so what now, you will shoot me?" "That would be realy fun, but not for very long. I have a better Idea" a big, evil smirk paints commie's face as he pulls out his radio, "Paul, Patryck, prepare a cell and come to the training grounds, now." "Yes, Red Leader, sir!"

| 1916 words| okey, this chapter is all over the place and a little bit on the short side maybe xddd hope you like it. Was bored so I wanted to wright something again for this story. Hope you enjoyed, and continue reading. See ya, friends:)

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