That day.

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#Flashback chapter#
[Years ago. Edd's house. Tom's p.o.v]
I woke up naturally, without the alarm. As I turn to look at the clock, it's 8:30. It's a nice Sunday morning. The birds outside were singing nicely, it made me want to pick up my guitar. To play in the morning, in bed? Why not? As I started to strum a calm melody someone knocked on my door. "Come in." As the door creaked open, Tord's face appeared "Oh, heya commie" I giggle, as he, the one who sleeps in on weekends, was the last one I expected to see this early in the morning. "Did my guitar wake you up?" I asked, even tho he looked as he got up an hour ago "Oh nei nei, I just came in to spørre something." he answered, his morning accent mixing in. I always found it amusing that he still speaks half Norwegian sometimes ever since we were kids, but it only usually happens in the morning, although it never was a huge problem for me, because I could some what understand Norwegian. He looked nervous, like something was on his mind, but I didn't want to pry, so for now, I let it slide "Sure, ask away, what is it?" he looked away from me and stared at the ground beneath his feet "would you like to hand out, just for today, just the two of us? Please?" some why, deep in his eyes, it looked like he was begging for his life, "Yeah sure, why not." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "See ya down stairs" he said before finally closing the door. I had a bad gut feeling for some reason, but why? What can be wrong about two friends just hanging out for the day?. To enjoy the day, I pushed those thoughts aside and got of my bed to get ready. Thought of maybe putting on something fancy, but looking that Commie was wearing his usual red hoodie, I decided to wear casual as well, blue hoodie, jeans and checkered shoes. Looking at myself in the mirror I think 'this is going to be a good day'.

I headed down stairs to be greeted by a nice, familiar smell of bacon. So I went to the kitchen. Tord was cooking breakfast looking all serious. As soon he heard me coming in, commie turned around and smiled "Want some bacon and eggs with coffee?" I nodded ready to dig in as he placed the plate in front of me while I was sitting down. This time I just couldn't enjoy the amazing taste of bacon, because only thing that I could see was Tord, lost in his mind, like something hard was on his chest. I decided to push all bad thoughts away and ask him later, for us both to enjoy the day for now.

As we say goodbye to Edd and Matt, who just woke up after a long night of movie marathon, we went outside, Tord didn't tell me what we were doing, he only told me that he has the whole day planed out. Both of us hopped in his car and drove of. After few minutes, we arrived at the new, rebuilt ASDF Land. I was so excited. Him and I got our tickets and headed through the giant gate. The place was huge! Filled with rides, attractions, food spots and souvenir shops. We both took turn picking rides. As Tord and I were coming closer to our first ride, I sigh as I realised how long the lines were, Tord turned to me, with a grin on his face and pulled out two silver tickets that read "VIP pass", I grinned as well as both of us passed the great line. After that we spent few good hours riding on so many rides, mainly extreme rollercoasters and stuff like that.

After all the rides, we got only two attractions left, one of them is being the planetarium. It was nice to sit down calmly and look at the planets, stars and constellations. As I turned my head to look at Tord, he turned as well "This was fun norski" he smiled "oh? You think this is over. We are not going home yet after the ASDF land, Thomas" I smiled back and turned to the planets again, but I could feel his gaze still on me for a moment longer. Later we decide to grab snacks and head for the great ferris wheel. As both of us got on and stared moving, Tord got lost in his thoughts once again looking over the city through the glass. I couldn't ignore it any longer, I had to do at least something, "Hey... Tord?", he now was focused on me "yeah?" I though for a few seconds before asking "why are you doing all of this?" Commie looked confused "what do you mean?" he asked, now fully turning to me "why did you plan this day out? Why did you bring me along?". It wasn't unusual for us to hand out, now that we get along, but for some reason this just felt odd. Tord didn't didn't answer for a moment, it was like he wanted to say something, but didn't. Then he just smiled and replied "Can't two good friends just hang out for a day.". Even tho I felt like I needed to, I decided not to push him. I just took a deep breath and smiled. I don't want to ruin our fun day. We continued the ride in silence, enjoying the whew.

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