Chapter Two: Ravens Again

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Clara's P.O.V


I ran back through the village.

My brown shoes,stained with mud and filled with water. Rain pounded on the ground, making me drencehed to the bone with water.

At last I reached the farm. I looked at the paddock, filled with rows and rows of vegetables ready for picking. I ran to the barn on the far side of the paddock to get my tools. I took a metal shovel and a basket and headed out into the raging storm again.  

I reached a row of lettuce and spotted Chloe in the distance.

"Chloe," I yelled over the pouring rain. I smoothed down my dirty dress. It was covered in rips and dirt.

"Over here," I shouted again. I saw her head pop up from behind a pumpkin and she started to run over to me. I could see that she's wearing a fabric red dress, about knee length, which was covered in mud. Her long, blonde hair flowed down to her waist.

"Hi Clara," she said. We picked up our shovels and started digging up the muddy lettuces.

Even though my job was looking out for the ravens, I also had to work on the farm to get food. So, everyday, after warning the villagers about the ravens, I headed out to the field with Chloe to spend the rest of the day in a muddy paddock picking vegetables.

"Great weather, isnt it," Chloe said, sarcasm saturating her words. I rolled my eyes and put a muddy lettuce in my basket.

The rain was so intense that I couldn't see anything.

I looked up to the sky and see a black mass coming towards the village.

I stood still, terrified about what it might be.

The mass made an earsplitting screeching sound as it flew through the sky.

"What is that?" I asked Chloe, my voice shaky from fear. I gestured wildly with a trembling hand towards the black thing floating through the sky.

Chloe stared up at the sky, her face blank.

As the black mass got closer, the screech got louder.

Then I realised what it was.

It wasn't one mass, it was lots of ravens coming towards us.

"Run," I said and Chloe and I broke into a sprint, heading for the barn.


Chloe's P.O.V


Clara and I ran as fast as our legs could carry us.

I didn't know if we could make the barn.

But there was no shelter around in a big paddock. Nowhere to hide.We were the prey, being hunted. We stood no chance.

"What are they?" I asked, yelling to Clara over the driving rain.

"The ravens are back again," she replied, still running.

Oh no.

That had never happened before.

The ravens only came once a day, never twice.

Something must've happened to The Mistress. I just kept running. The barn was still far away and there was nowhere to hide. The only other place to go was the Bowerook Forest to the East, but it i was too late to turn back now.

The ravens were getting closer and I didn't think I had enough energy to outrun them anymore.

"Get to the barn, I need to warn the villagers that the ravens are coming," Clara ordered me.

With that, she ran off in the opposite direction and I kept on running. Clara could run for ages, she was easily the most active person I knew

I started to run out of energy quickly and I knew I won't make the barn. I started to slow down, I tried to go faster, but I just couldn't.

I felt a small tear run down my cheek, I couldn't run any more.

I collapsed onto the muddy ground. The tears were streaming down my face. I didn't stop them though, I let them fall onto the ground.

I looked up and see about twenty ravens at least above me. I waited for them to carry me off but they disn't.

Instead, they started to bite me. Their needle sharp beaks, tearing and ripping into my skin. I screamed,  pain overtaking my body.

The pain was unbearable. But there was nothing I could do. 


Clara's P.O.V


I could see the village just up ahead.

"Everyone, run, the ravens are coming," I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I could see the dark cloud of ravens approaching the village. The villagers stopped what they were doing and looked into the sky. Many of them dropped what they were holding when they realised what it was.

Chaos reigned.

Everybody in the village ran, desperatley trying to find any shelter. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face.

People were under trees, in houses, anywhere they thought they would be safe.

The of villagers came running out of their houses, and I saw my mother running too. But she did not follow the crowd.

I called out my mothers name and began to run towards her, but there was a stampeed of villagers coming towards me. I tried to push through the group of people, but it was no use.

Suddenly, I heard a man scream as he came running towards me, before he hit me.

I fell onto the wet ground and the world spun around me.


Author's Note


Hi everyone.

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Thankyou for reading.

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