Chapter Ten: Wayfort Crossing

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Clara's P.O.V


Tamries and I were still walking through the grassy paddock. 

The field looked like it never ended and just kept going as far as I could see.

I sighed, taking the time to actually try to make a plan.

I have never been much of a planner. I was alkways more of a make it up as you go along type of girl. Somehow, no matter how simple my plan was, whenever I put the plan into action, it completely failed.

My rough plan wa to find The Mistress and destroy her and her ravens, but that's all I had figured out.

Judging by the size of this field, it looked like I had plenty of time to figure out the details.

I watched Tamries as he swiftly moved through the grass. His hair was ruffled by the wind and he was holding a bow in his hand. I took a closer look at the bow and saw that it was made out of wood, I assumed oak. It had carvings on it too, carvings of patterns and Elvish letters. I never learnt how to speak or read Elvish, so I had no idea what was written on the bow.

"The writing says Thrunder, which means to strike," Tamries said, seeing me staring at the bow.

I stared back into his deep green eyes.

"I didn't know that," I said, smiling up at him.

He chuckled before speaking again.

"I take it you do not know much if any Elvish then?" He said, still laughing quietly.

"I don't know any," I stated, blushing voilently.

We continued to walk through the field and Tamries attempted to teach me some basic Elvish. I was really bad at first, but after a while I got the hang of it. To my suprise I had learnt the basic words and how to read and write them just as we got out of the field.

At last, we were standing infront of a thick forest.

I sighed with relief. I thought I would never get out of that field.

We stepped into the forest, pushing a few branches out of the way as we did.

As we walked deeper into the forest, we came across a river. I went up to the water and went to walk through it, when Tamries jumped infront of me.

"You can't just walk throuh there," he yelled. Why did I ge the feeling that I didn't know something.

"Why not?" I questioned, looking up at him with a puzzled expression.

"That is Wayfort Crossing. If you take one step into that water, it will swallow you up," he said serouisly, fear in his brilliant green eyes.I rolled sighed.

"Look, I don't have time for fairytales, Tamries, we have to get to The Mistress," I said, walking to the waters edge. Tamries leapt infront of me agin, preventing me to move any closer to the water.

Then, I heard a rustling in a nearby bush and both Tamries and I whipped around.

A deer stepped out and walked towards the water. It stopped and took a drink before walking through the river.

"See, nothing happened," I whispered do Tamreis. He held up his hand and I stopped talking.

Suddenly, I heard a gurgling noise and the water around the deer sank, leaving the deer standing on the bottom of the river with a circle of water circling it.

Suddenly, the water swept over the deer like a wave and it swallowed up the animal, just like Tamries had said.

"Ok, I believe you now," I said, looking stunned.

"So what do we do?" I added, looking over at Tamries.

He stood there for awhile, thinking.

"We have to look for another way around then," he said, scanning the river, as if he would find a magical bridge leading to the other side.

Then, I had an idea.  

"Tamries, you know how before the deer was swallowed up, how there was a cricle of land with water surrounding it, there was a few seconds before the waves consumed it," I said, thinking out loud.

Tamries seemed to get what I was thinking about.

"You really think that it will work?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, ofc ourse I do," I assured him and walked over to the waters edge.

I picked up a stone and threw it into the water. I took a few stones in my hands to use along the way.

I watched as the water around the stone parted and I gestured frantically for Tamries to follow me.

Holding my breath, I jumped into the patch where there was no water and Tamries jumped next to me. I quickly threw another stone and the water around that one seperated.

We jumped into the next hole in the water just as the other one closed up.

We kept on going until we reached the other side of the water, and we collapsed on the river bank.

After a few seconds of lying there, we got up and kept walking.

We had to keep on going.


Author's Note


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