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"Harper, please," Christina whines, following the girl like a lost puppy throughout their apartment. "It's a concert! It's fun! And I want you to meet Corbyn!"

"Christina, there are gonna be so many screaming seven-year-olds there," Harper groans, falling back onto the couch. "I also don't know any of his songs or the name of the fucking band!"

"So, I'll educate you! We have until tomorrow for the songs. As for basic facts we have..." Christina trails off, looking down to her watch with a frown. "Okay, we don't have a lot of time but just please, I want you to meet him! You've been my best friend for two years and haven't met him."

"I..." Harper sighs, staring up at the ceiling with a blank stare. "Fine, educate me."

"YAY THANK YOU!" Christina shouts, jumping up to get her laptop from the kitchen counter. "Alright so, the band is called Why Don't We and there are five members."

"Why does that sound familiar?" Harper mumbles to herself, too quiet for Christina to hear. "Who's single?"

"No one," Christina answers, pulling up youtube. "The members are Corbyn Besson, Zach Herron, Jack Avery, Jonah Marais or Frantzich and Daniel Seavey."

And just like that, the air is knocked out of Harper. She stares at Christina, her jaw practically on the floor. She now knows why she recognized the band name. She knew Daniel.

He was her ex. The ex that left her to pursue his career. The ex that wanted to focus on himself and didn't want a relationship at the time. Now, she completely understood and wasn't mad at him. Well, that was until he got in a new relationship, not even a month after leaving her behind.

"Daniel Seavey?" Harper cuts Christina off from carrying on.

"Yeah? Why? Do you know him?" Christina questions, her brows furrowing at Harper's expression on her face. Then, it clicks. "Oh my god, that's your Daniel?"

"He's not mine," Harper whispers, struggling to hold back her tears. Christina pulls the girl into a hug, attempting to calm her down quickly. All Harper can think about is how he left things. She thought that she had pushed them so far down they wouldn't come back up but she was wrong.

"Dani!" Harper cheers, throwing her arms around the boy who had just walked into her house. She leans up to give him a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby," Daniel replies, kissing her forehead lightly. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay," Harper replies, locking her hand with his and pulling him upstairs towards her bedroom. They move onto her bed, Daniel looking nervous as hell. "Are you okay?"

"Uh... yeah I just have some news," Daniel sighs, his face looking grim. "Do you remember Jack Avery?"

"Ramen? Yeah, the kid can sing," Harper grins at the nickname.

"He's older than you but anyways," Daniel laughs, seeming to calm down slightly. "He invited me to join his band."

"REALLY?" Harper shouts, overjoyed for the boy. She jumps onto her knees with a grin. "Please, tell me you're gonna do it!"

"I think so but I have to move to LA," Daniel mutters, nervously biting the side of his thumb.

"That's okay, I can come to visit and you're gonna come back for holidays and stuff," Harper tries to reassure him. She wasn't thrilled with the idea but she wants Daniel to succeed so it would be okay in the end.

"Bub..." Daniel trails off, heaving a huge sigh. "I think we should take a break until I'm settled in LA. I don't want to but I feel like I need to focus on myself and the band. Once I'm settled we can start back up again if you want. But for now, I just don't think it's a good idea. And I don't want to put you through the distance."

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