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"So, we need a plan," Gabbie declares, entering a random store. The boys had gone to their hotel to unpack and chill out while the girls decided to go shopping. "We can't just beat him up until he tells us."

"Why not?" Briar whines, stomping her foot. "He deserves it."

"No he doesn't," Harper snorts while looking through the rack in front of her. "He broke up with me and moved on. It's not like he cheated on me."

"But he gave you hope that he would come back for you," Gabbie replies, the other two nodding along. "You've been holding out for two years even though you know he has a new girlfriend."

"I say we just kill him," Briar proposes, earning laughter almost immediately. "It seems like the only reasonable thing to do."

"Okay, would you like to see Zach again?" Harper asks earning raised brows from the youngest. "If you go to jail, you probably won't see him again."

"Fine, poke holes in my plan," Briar grumbles, turning back to the clothes in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Gabbie not looking too hot. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nauseous," Gabbie responds causing Briar to go into full mother mode. Yes, she is terrified of puke but when it comes to people that are basically her family, she pushes it aside. "Do not mother me."

"How long have you been feeling nauseous?" Harper asks, worried about the girl. Sure, she just met Gabbie but she already feels close to her. Gabbie shrugs and mumbles something under her breath. "What?"

"Um, well, you see..." Gabbie trails off, not wanting to say this at all. "I think I might be... pregnant."

"Gabriela Gonzalez, I'm going to kill you," Briar groans, pulling the girl out of the store with the other two. "Let's go get some pregnancy tests."

"How long have you been suspicious?" Christina questions, leading the way to the closest drug store. Gabbie shrugs again, not wanting to do the whole twenty-one questions thing. "Are you late?"

"Yup," Gabbie answers causing Christina to sigh. "I know, I know but I've just been too scared to actually take a test by myself. And I'm not telling Jack unless I know I am pregnant. Oh my god, I'm gonna ruin his life. Fuck."

"Hey, no," Harper immediately cuts in as the four enter the drug store. "You guys will make it work. Sure it's earlier than expected but I'm sure Jack will be supportive."

"We used a condom and everything," Gabbie mutters as Harper takes four tests off of the shelf. She was gonna buy them just in case a fan spots them. They don't want the boys to know and since Harper is single, it makes the most sense for her to buy them.

Harper heads to the cashier to check out while the other three stay by the entrance, trying to distract Gabbie the best they can. When Harper returns with the bag in hand, they leave and make their way back to the girls' apartment.

When Christina unlocks the door, Harper shoves the bag in Gabbie's hands and forces her into the bathroom. The other three wait outside the door. Gabbie walks out and shuts the door behind her, taking a seat on the ground next to Briar. Harper sets a timer for ten minutes, setting her phone down in the middle of them for everyone to see.

"Fuck, what am I gonna do if I am pregnant?" Gabbie groans, resting her head on the wall behind her. Briar and Harper immediately take one of Gabbie's hands in one of their own while Christina places a comforting hand on her knee.

"It's up to you," Harper answers causing Gabbie to groan again. "You can keep it, put it up for adoption... abort it."

"Absolutely not," Gabbie sharply replies making Harper's eyes widen. "Sorry, it's just... if I am pregnant, I'm keeping the baby. With or without Jack's help."

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