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"What happened? Is Gabbie okay?" Zach asks once Briar opens the front door.

"Hi Zach, I'm good, how are you? It's lovely to see you," Briar sarcastically says while letting the boy in. She can faintly hear Christina giggling from the living room at her words. Briar places one of the pregnancy tests that's in a plastic bag in Zach's hands. He looks down and frowns. "Because you're a fucking idiot, no, it's not mine."

"Then who's...? Oh. OH," Zach shouts in shock, almost dropping the bag in his hands. "So that's why I'm here."

"Ding, ding, ding," Briar sings while leading the way over to the other girls. "Now, we don't know what to do."

"He's going to leave me," Gabbie groans, hiding her face in her hands. "I am so fucking screwed."

"Okay, he's not gonna leave you," Zach immediately says, sitting down on the coffee table in front of Gabbie. "Gabbie, you're his world. You're all he talks about. He's going to be fucking overjoyed about being a father. Especially when you're gonna be the mother. You don't need to stress out because he will be with you through it all and he will never leave. He's been in it for the long haul since the first day he met you. You got this."

"See," Harper rubs Gabbie's back soothingly. "This isn't the end of the world. It's only the beginning. I just have one question, do you boys have to keep your relationships out of the public?"

"Yeah, we're trying to switch management so we can publicize our relationships but for now we have to hide it," Zach answers softly. Briar places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes lightly, knowing he hates to hide their relationship. He reaches up and places his hand over hers. "It sucks but we can find a way to make it so the fans don't know about the pregnancy. The only person allowed to like broadcast their relationship is Daniel."

"God, this just got ten times harder," Gabbie sighs, flopping back against the couch. "I will have to hide my body twenty-four seven."

"We'll help you," Harper mumbles, squeezing the girl's hand gently. "Christina and I can't be there all the time but when we are, we'll support you the entire time."

"I can move to LA and help out," Briar offers, making Gabbie shake her head automatically. "No, seriously. I already do school online and you're gonna need help when the boys are on tour. Plus that means I'll be in the same state as Daniel and I can just deck him at any point in time. It's really a win-win situation."

"Oh my god she's actually going to hurt him and she hasn't even known me for a full day," Harper whispers, rubbing her forehead in distress. "Anyways, Gabbie you've got this and you guys are gonna be great parents. We just have to figure out how to tell Jack and how to hide it from the fans, I don't know what you call them."

"Limelights," Christina replies mindlessly. "We should do something cute for telling Jack."

"And as for hiding the bump, take a bunch of photos over the next like two or three months and then post those later. Also, you can just do photos from the chest up," Harper suggests. "In public just wear oversized shit."

"Steal Jack's hoodies," Briar grins earning laughter from the group. "If he puts up a fight, tell me and I'll beat him up. You're going to be pushing an entire fucking baby out of you, he can give up a few hoodies."

"Got it," Gabbie laughs, wiping tears from her eyes before turning to Zach. "He's not gonna leave me?"

"Never in a million years," Zach confirms causing Gabbie to nod. "And you're positive you're pregnant?"

"I took four tests," Gabbie sniffles, pulling another plastic bag out from next to her. "I can go to like urgent care or something to confirm it if you want."

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