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Everyone decided to go out to eat seeing as they were starving. Harper drives to a diner, attempting to tune the couples out. It wasn't working.

"Harper, how old are you?" Gabbie asks from the seat behind her.

"Nineteen as of July," Harper answers reluctantly. She's terrified one of the girls is gonna try to set her up with someone. "What about you guys?"

"Corbyn turns twenty in November, Jack turned nineteen at the beginning of July, I turn seventeen next month," Gabbie starts listing off, making Harper regret asking. "Zach's seventeen and Briar is sixteen."

"Alright, so I know who the baby of the group is," Harper jokes making everyone minus Briar laugh. "I'm assuming you get that a lot."

"Yeah," Briar groans, leaning on to Zach's side. "Are you from New York?"

"Uh, no," Harper mutters. "I'm from Portland."

"Oregon?" Jack asks earning a nod from the girl. "One of our bandmates is from there."

"Yeah, I know," Harper sighs, tightening her grip on the steering wheel slightly. "I used to date him."

"YOU WHAT?" Almost everyone shouts, scaring Harper to the point that she narrowly misses a collision. Swerving the car back into the correct lane, everyone takes a deep breath.

"He said Bry was his first girlfriend," Corbyn whispers, trying so very hard to not be loud enough for Harper to hear but failing miserably.

"When did you date?" Zach questions, not being able to wrap his head around the fact that his friend lied to them.

"We dated for two years and he left me when he left Oregon to join the band," Harper answers, pulling into the parking lot of her favorite diner. "Am I gonna have to go over the entire sob story?"

"Yes," Gabbie simply replies causing Harper to laugh unexpectedly. Everyone gets out and make their way into the diner, taking a seat in a booth towards the back. "Tell us everything and if you need it, Briar and I can beat him up."

"Ha, you're probably gonna want to after I tell you," Harper half-heartedly jokes after everyone orders what they want. "So, I already told you we dated for two years. He broke up with me the day before he left for LA. He said it was because he wanted to focus on himself and the band and I completely understood. He said that we could get back together when he felt we were both ready so I held on to that. Not even a month later it comes out that he's in a new relationship with Bryana Salaz."

"That doesn't sound like Daniel," Christina whispers while rubbing Harper's shoulder in comfort.

"That's because it isn't Daniel. I don't know what happened," Harper responds, twirling her straw wrapper around her finger. "I just remember the day he told me he was leaving so vividly. I remember once he left, my makeup was just running down my face. All of the dreams we made together, he left behind along with all of the wishes we ever made. The only thing he took with him was my heart. Unfortunately, he took his heart as well leaving me with basically nothing."

"Alright, I'll be back," Briar stands up from the table suddenly.

"Where are you going?" Corbyn asks, staring up at the younger girl who looked like she was gonna explode.

"To kill Daniel," Briar replies, spinning on her heel to begin walking away. Zach manages to grab her wrist and pull her back into the booth. "Alright, fuck you."

"I love you too," Zach laughs, lacing his fingers with her so she can't leave. Briar pouts but stays in her seat, looking to Harper to continue.

"I sometimes just wish that I could wake up with Amnesia so I can forget about all of the stupid little things," Harper huffs while swirling her straw in her drink, a hurt expression on her face. "Like the way, it felt to fall asleep next to him and the memories I can never escape from... It's funny because I thought that I was fine but I guess I'm really not fine at all."

Amnesia | d. seavey {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now